Fourty nine

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The sunset fell obliquely and fell indoors through the shutters. The dark red conference table sat around the doctors in white coats, and everyone's eyes fell on the PPT being played.

With the thanks of the speaker, the applause in the conference room was thunderous. Jiang Xu gently put the laser pointer on the table, left in front of the screen of the projector, and sat back on the conference table.

Professor Cui sat at the front of the long striped conference table. He sat at Professor Cui's lower head and raised his eyes to meet Shen Fangyu's eyes.

He and Shen Fangyu reported on Dr. Kenn's operation process and patient case analysis respectively. Such a report is no different from eating and drinking water for Jiang Xu. It is a familiar thing. The only difference is that he probably has the same experience as the analyzed patient.

"You two spoke well and analyzed very clearly. In such a short time, you were well prepared," Professor Cui joked: "Have you known about this case for a long time and prepared it in advance?"

The say was unintentional, and the listener had a heart. Jiang Xu and Shen Fangyu's eyes overlapped in the air for a moment and then moved away. Fortunately, Professor Cui did not notice it.

"Jiang Xu," Professor Cui asked, "Do you think that if there is such a case in our hospital, can you do this operation?" After asking, she looked at Shen Fangyu, "What about you? Can you do it?"

"You can have a try."

"There will be no problem."

The two spoke almost at the same time.

Professor Cui looked at Shen Fangyu meaningfully, "You are more confident than Jiang Xu."

Shen Fangyu looked at their direction, "I will do my best."

Although he and Director Cui are sitting in this direction, Jiang Xu knew that Shen Fangyu was looking at him and making a promise to him. Such a guarantee was also made in the self-criticism.

Shen Fangyu also said that if he was inclined to go abroad to find Kenn for surgery, he would pay all the expenses.

For some reason, he was suddenly a little annoyed. Maybe he hated Shen Fangyu's self-righteousness, just as Shen Fangyu hated his irritation and could not be refuted.

He is living at Tang Ke's house now. Shen Fangyu didn't ask him when he would go home at night. After finishing tomorrow's operation arrangements, he looked at the clock and found that it was past eight o'clock.

As usual, he can actually work overtime for a while, but today he is a little absent-minded, thinking that it is not efficient anyway, so he simply packed up and planned to go back.

Before going out, he took a look at Shen Fangyu's workstation... he was not there.

He lowered his eyelashes and went to the gate of the hospital to take a taxi as usual. It was the place with the largest traffic. After standing at the intersection for a while, something suddenly touched him from behind.

Jiang Xu turned back unexpectedly and saw a rabbit taller than him. The huge rabbit drooped a pair of ears, which looked exactly like the old pink rabbit on his bed.

After seeing the leaflets in the rabbit's hand, he realized that this was the merchant's promotion method.

In recent years, there have been more and more large stores in A City. In order to grab business, merchants have a lot of ingenuity. It is not uncommon for staff to dress up as dolls. Most of the time, it attracts children. When children make trouble, the adults accompanying them have to follow them into the store.

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