Eighty three

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On the third day of becoming Jiang Xu's legal spouse abroad, Shen Fangyu returned to China and called Li Yalei, hoping to get a box of Maotai from him at a 20% discount.

Mr. Li listened to Shen Fangyu talk about the use of the wine on the other end of the phone. He was stunned for a moment and scolded, "You and I are married and asked me to help buy wine. Shen Fangyu, you are really my good brother."

"What is this?" Shen Fangyu heard Huo Chengchun's familiar voice coming from Li Yalei's phone. "Is it the yacht I borrowed for his proposal?"

Shen Fangyu casually joked, "Why are you two together?"

The other end of the phone was silent for a moment and hung up his phone directly.

Shen Fangyu looked at his mobile phone with a subtle look. After a long time, he received a message from Li Yalei: "No need 20% off, I'll give you 50% off."

After saying that, he also said with great demeanor, "I'm not being righteous to you. I'm just afraid that you will spend all the money and Jiang Xu will be wronged."

Shen Fangyu lowered his head and smiled. He walked around the luxury store on the first floor of the mall, walked around the selection, and ordered two women's leather bags. When he walked out of the mall, he dialed a phone, and a confused female voice came from the opposite side: "Are you?"

"Miss Yang," Shen Fangyu said to her, "I'm Jiang Xu's colleague. My name is Shen Fangyu."


Jiang Xu looked at his mobile phone. At 12 p.m., Shen Fangyu hadn't come back yet.

When he got off work, Shen Fangyu said that he had something to do and asked him to go back to bed early without waiting for him.

Because of pregnancy and fatigue, Jiang Xu has gone to bed early recently, but I don't know what's going on tonight. I have a little insomnia.

Previously, Shen Fangyu took the initiative to bind the salary card to his mobile phone. During this period, he received a reminder of a large amount of consumption every once in a while. If he hadn't known that Shen Fangyu would not mess up, Jiang Xu would have doubted whether this person was doing any improper business outside.

While being distracted, the sound outside the door suddenly pulled back Jiang Xu's attention.

The insomniac person was particularly sensitive to his voice. He closed his eyes. Even if Shen Fangyu's movements were very light, he could still hear him enter the door, put on his slippers, and looked for something in the living room. After that, he seemed to go to the bathroom.

However, there has been no sound of showering for a long time.

The sound insulation of the bathroom door is not bad, but if Shen Fangyu is taking a shower, he should not be able to hear any sound.

Jiang Xu sat up from the bed worriedly, put on his coat and walked out.

There is no light in the living room, only the frosted glass bathroom door is exposed.

As soon as he got close to the bathroom, Jiang Xu smelled the heavy and pungent smell of alcohol.

He knocked on the door a few times, but there was no reply inside. He simply reached out and pushed open the bathroom door, but saw Shen Fangyu, who vomited in front of the toilet.

"Why do you drink so much?" Jiang Xu frowned slightly.

If drinking red wine last time was a drink, this posture can definitely be called alcoholism.

Jiang Xu turned around and was ready to turn over the medicine box, but Shen Fangyu's hand hanging beside him was raised and gently held him.

"I'm not drunk," Shen Fangyu was still sober. He threw the tongue plate he held in his other hand into the trash can and explained to Jiang Xu, "Drinking too much. Don't urge you to vomit and hurt your stomach. You don't have to bother. I took the antidote before drinking."

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