Sixty seven

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Conference room of A Medical University.

As soon as Jiang Xu stepped in, Yu Sang was shocked and said, "Brother Xu, are you here too?"

Because Shen Fangyu was invited to participate in the small meeting held by the big cow, Jihua Obstetrics and Gynecology also got the internal live broadcast link, and you can watch the reporting process.

"Don't think Brother Jiang is like you," Zhong Lan smiled while listening. "In addition to Brother Shen, there are many bigwigs making reports in this meeting. Isn't it a loss if you don't listen to it?"

Jiang Xu was silent for a moment and didn't tell them that he actually came to listen to Shen Fangyu's report.

There is no other reason, but before he came, Shen Fangyu bombarded him with crazy news. If he didn't come to see him, Shen Fangyu would be sad to death.

He sat at the front of the conference table, took a picture of the screen projection and sent it to Shen Fangyu, signaling him that he was coming.

However, he probably entered the preparation stage, and Shen Fangyu did not reply to his message quickly at this time.

The order of Shen Fangyu's report was still early, and it didn't take long for Shen Fangyu to make a report.

As soon as Jiang Xu saw the dress he was wearing, he remembered that when he packed his luggage not long ago, he took out a black suit from the wardrobe.

Shen Fangyu insisted that the black suit was the most boring suit. It was not only expensive, but also looked like an insurance seller. He also dressed him as a young man in a good year, with no characteristics.

But this is the rule of the meeting, and you have to wear a suit on formal occasions.

However... Jiang Xu glanced at the man on the screen... It was not as bad as he said.

On the contrary, Jiang Xu felt that he was not at all.

This kind of suit is actually very picky, and the figure and shape can be shown if it is not good.

Shen Fangyu has wide shoulders and long legs, which is basically the most perfect clothes shelf.

The young professor's academic temperament is matched with a calm suit. Standing in front of the rostrum is like a straight pine and cypress. His English is fluent and natural, with a little casual ease, which is actually very pleasing to the eyes.

Even after listening to half of his report, Jiang Xu found that he basically didn't listen to a word, and his eyes had been on Shen Fangyu.

Shen Fangyu was either casual or flamboyant, and rarely wore such rigid clothes. At this time, he was suppressed by the clothes, and suddenly gave birth to a little elegant temperament.

Rare and eye-catching.

When he talked about the key point, Zhong Lan and Yu Sang raised their mobile phones to take pictures of the PPT he talked about. After a long time, Jiang Xu also took out his mobile phone and took a picture.

After shooting, he suddenly realized something and put his mobile phone upside down on the table without changing his face.

In his photo, there is only a little edge left in the wonderful PPT page, and most of the pictures are occupied by the reporter.

I don't know if it's because photographer Jiang is selfish, or Shen Wei Po is really good-looking. The man in the photo is elegant, and a little smile on his lips is properly fixed, gentlemanly and elegant.

Jiang Xu pinched his eyebrows.

He has been a little inscrimated lately.

First, when I saw Shen Fangyu's operation, I forgot to see the specific operation, and then when I saw his report, I forgot to listen to the report.

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