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On the stall at the gate of Jihua Hospital, Shen Fangyu skewered the ice soda in his left hand and his right hand. He was having dinner with his friends in the department. When he heard the mobile phone ring, he hurriedly put down the soda in his hand to see the mobile phone.

This is the professional habit of almost all doctors. The mobile phone is turned on 24 hours a day and is never set to mute. Any small message will be read at the first time. It is difficult to guarantee that it will not be related to the patient.

When he clicked on the dialog box with Jiang Xu, Shen Fangyu was stunned.

He turned up in disbelief and confirmed that all his chat records with Jiang Xu were file transfer or official notices. There was absolutely no such invitation.

But he was very sure that this was Jiang Xu himself, because he had a characteristic of sending a message. Each message would be followed by a little yellow man's smiling face, which was the kind of smile that looked particularly sarcastic and careless.

Because of this, Shen Fangyu often complains in his heart that Jiang Xu is an old man, and he doesn't even know that this emoji is sarcastic among young people.

However, today he didn't know what he had learned. Suddenly, he asked his colleague next to him, "Will Jiang Xu smile when he sends you a message?"

"No way." Several colleagues are puzzled.

Shen Fangyu didn't believe it. He showed them the dialog box with Jiang Xu, "It's this kind of little yellow face."

"Real? If you don't believe it, look." Colleagues are pretentious to take out their mobile phones.

After confirming that Shen Fangyu was the only one with such special treatment, his colleague's face was quite delicate, "He is not... mocking you."

"Impossible," Shen Fangyu withdrew his mobile phone without changing his face. "He only smiled at me, which showed that he was only willing to smile at me."

"..." OK, you are thick-skinned and reasonable.

"But what did he ask you for?" The colleague said curiously, "Isn't it a fight again?"

"Who knows," Shen Fangyu shrugged his shoulders. "Since the last time Angkor invited me, I made a joke to ask him if he was pregnant, he has never paid attention to me."

He took a bite of the fried skewer. "When I met him on the road, he would still look at me. Now he directly took me as air. The last time I met him vomit in the toilet. He kindly gave him a pack of tissues. Unexpectedly, he used my paper and turned his head and left. He didn't even say a word of thanks. I asked him if he was polite, but he turned around and stared. I--"

Shen Fangyu looked a little depressed. "You don't know that the way he looked at me was the same as I made him pregnant. I can't wait to tear me up the next second."

The colleague smiled, "It seems that you got the meeting quota, which made Dr. Jiang angry."

"He is also too narrow-minded. It was their group who went last year." Shen Fangyu turned over the old account.

The colleague clicked his mobile phone, "Do you want to find him?"

Shen Fangyu said, "I'm not going. It's like the Queen's order every day. Why should I listen to him?" He said and picked up another string. "Who does he think he is?"

Colleagues often had conflicts between them. Hearing this, they clinked glasses with him and said, "Eat, eat, don't think about it."

The midnight snack was always refreshing and decompressing. There were all kinds of gammons during the meal. It was almost nine o'clock before Shen Fangyu put down the last empty bamboo stick.

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