Sixty five

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For several days in a row, Shen Fangyu picked up Jiang Xu to and from work as he said. After not on the night shift, Jiang Xu's mental state was obviously much better, and his sleep, disturbed by Shen Fangyu, an unexpected factor, gradually calmed down.

At the same time, Jiang Xu gradually accepted a fact that he had to face: the common lumbar sacral pelvic pain during pregnancy was like a rubber candy that could not be thrown off, which completely entangled him.

He knew that this kind of problem was like a migraine, and there was almost no way to cure it. Even if he could ease it for a few days when he had a good rest, but the pain would come out again in a few days.

He has diagnosed similar problems for many of his patients, because such dull pain is too common and not life-threatening. Few doctors will pay special attention to it, and at most, he will say "good rest" with reassuringly.

But when Jiang Xuzhen faced these things, he realized that the common continuous dull pain in the doctor's eyes was far more difficult than he thought.

And the amazing thing is that Jiang Xu found that most of the time, when Shen Fangyu was quietly with him, the pain would be temporarily relieved.

After eating the hot pot that day, Shen Fangyu did not mention the previous relationship between the two people, nor did he confirm any relationship with him. At most, he occasionally said a few harmless and greasy words, which looked like he had really calmed down, which made Jiang Xu relieved.

But I'm relieved, and occasionally I will be slightly lost.

For example, Shen Fangyu parked his car in the corner of Medical University A, and then said to him, "You go there first. I'll go after ten minutes. The classmates don't think we came together. It's time to misunderstand."

Jiang Xu got out of the car and put his coat around to cover his changing body.

He knew that Shen Fangyu was considering his psychological feelings, but he actually didn't want to hide it from his classmates. His relationship with Shen Fangyu was much more relaxed than before.

The school was covered with red banners, which were particularly swaying under the reflection of the clear sky.

When he entered the venue, Tang Ke saw Jiang Xu at a glance. He looked behind Jiang Xu unexpectedly and lowered his voice, "Shen Fangyu didn't come?"

"We, Brother Xu, will definitely not dare to come when he comes!" The sound was a man whose hair was shaved into a board. He suddenly patted Tang Ke and was ready to continue to shoot Jiang Xu. As a result, Jiang Xu dodged. He for a moment, he lost his strength and slapped his leg awkwardly.

"How can you eavesdrop on other people's words, Wang Jun?" Tang Ke was dissatisfied.

Wang Jun didn't say anything. "We used to be in the same dormitory. Did we whisper less together? What's wrong? You whisper to Jiang Xu now, and I can't even listen to him?"

As he spoke, he turned his head to Jiang Xu's head. "Brother Xu, I haven't seen you for a long time. Why do you look thin? Did you make Shen Fangyu angry?" After he said, he joked, "How's it? It's been a few years. Have you divided between a winner from him?"

Tang Ke listened to a lawsuit next to him and quickly changed the topic, "It's not easy to come back to get together. What are you talking about Shen Fangyu doing?"

He knew that whenever there was a college reunion, Jiang Xu and Shen Fangyu's previous tit-for-tat will definitely be ridicled, but now it is different from the past. Now Jiang Xu and Shen Fangyu are no longer a simple opponent in the past. It's just a messy dog blood.

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