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Tang Ke seriously doubts that if the ten words "Jiang Xu is pregnant with Shen Fangyu's child" are posted in their eight-year clinical group, it will definitely lead to countless question marks and greetings to his mental state. Maybe those doctors in the psychiatric department will come and take him away overnight.

He held his painful waist, slowly stood up, and looked at Jiang Xu with a lawsuit in his mind. "You're not teasing me, are you?" He patted his mouth as he said, "The third place I told you is a joke. Don't take it seriously."

Jiang Xu put down the information, hugged his elbow, and looked up slightly at Tang Ke, who put his hands on the table. "If I tell you, we rolled into the same bed when we were drunk, do you believe it?"

"Ling," Tang Ke said firmly, "Otherwise I can't think of any reason for you two to go to bed."

Jiang Xu took a deep breath and said, "Let's go. We've agreed to treat you to dinner."

Until the two sat in the restaurant, Tang Ke still didn't recover. He looked up and down at Jiang Xu through the cover of the menu. The latter silently endured Tang Ke's eyes for a long time, and finally raised his eyelids and interrupted, "Don't look, I'm not crazy."

"So what are you going to do?" Tang Ke was like a worried old mother. "Shen Fangyu doesn't look like a gay," he said upsetly, "Fuck, if I had known that we should have given him a waste back then, so that he wouldn't have to come out."

Although Jiang Xu wanted to agree with Tang Ke, his conscience as a doctor suppressed his impulse to agree with Tang Ke.

"Do you want to tell him?" Tang Ke asked.

Jiang Xu did not answer directly.

He lowered his eyelashes and slowly rubbed the edge of the white porcelain plate. Obviously, he didn't think about what to do. That's why he would tell Tang Ke the origin of the child.

Tang is in a relationship with him in a pair of trousers, and Jiang Xu doesn't have to show his face in front of him.

Jiang Xu was at the center of the whirlpool. The doctor did not take care of himself. He was worried that he could not deal with it objectively and rationally enough, so he wanted to hear Tang Ke's thoughts.

However, Tang Ke, who was pinning high hopes on, was thinking of a series of TV series and novels about the boss of a rich family running with the ball. "If you can't find someone to have an abortion, you don't plan to sneak up on the M country to give birth to your child."

His thoughts were like a wild horse out of the runes. The more he said, the more energetic he said: "In another ten years, when you two compete for the position of director, you will tell Shen Fangyu that he is the father of your child and holds the emperor to order the princes."

Jiang Xu: "..."

"It's really frustrating for you to be a doctor with your imagination."

"To be honest," Tang Ke laughed, "Lu Xun, who abandoned the doctor and followed the text, is the idol of my life."

Jiang Xu rolled his eyes, but Tang Ke turned straight, "I think you have to tell him."

He said, "If you want to have an operation, you have to take a long leave. I have also stayed in Jihua Hospital. I know how difficult it is for public hospitals to ask for leave, and I also know that you have a lot of work, not to mention your special situation."

As long as Jiang Xu still wants to stay in the hospital and does not want to die socially, it is impossible to ask for leave with the real reason of abortion.

But if you want to hide his situation from the rest of the department, it will only be more difficult to ask for leave.

If he can't ask for leave, he can only resign directly. If he really resigns, I'm afraid Shen Fangyu can burn firecrackers around his ancestral grave for three days and nights. Maybe he will think that Jiang Xu was won't admit defeat by him.

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