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Two months later.

On the big screen of the conference room to the last page, Shen Fangyu took the laser pointer and smiled, "The above is all my report. Do you have any questions?"

Director Cui commented a few words and said to the other participants, "Shen Fangyu, a series of uterine pseudoaneurysms after cesarean section, spoke very well. You can say anything you want to say."

Almost tacitly, everyone's eyes gathered on a figure sitting in the front.

"What are you doing with me?"

Aware of the eyes from all sides, Jiang Xu raised his eyes inexplicably and did not know how deeply his and Shen Fangyu's past had impressed his colleagues.

"Dr. Jiang, you... have nothing to say?" The doctor next to Jiang Xu poked him and stopped talking.

Every time Shen Fangyu or Jiang Xu makes a report, these two can ask a bunch of questions to the other party in a row. If they don't understand the cases or literature, they can't resist the other party's offensive at all.

Therefore, everyone acquiesced today that today will be another long meeting.

However, Jiang Xu just turned his pen and said to Shen Fangyu, "On Thursday, C City reported a case of pseudoaneurysm after double yin/channel cesarean section. You can add it."

After saying that, he closed the notebook and put the pen on it, as if he had nothing to say.

Even Shen Fangyu on the stage was puzzled.

Director Cui took a look at Jiang Xu and said, "That's all for today's meeting. There is one more thing that everyone is very concerned about the H Provincial Academic Exchange Conference," her eyes pulled back and forth between Jiang Xu and Shen Fangyu, and set it on Shen Fangyu's face. "Fang Yu, prepare well and take a few people with me."

After the meeting, Director Cui was the first to go out every time. As soon as she left, the conference room became lively in an instant.

The meeting mentioned by Director Cui is regarded as the top academic exchange meeting of obstetrics and gynecology. Almost all countries come to exchange. This year, H Province is the organizer, and A Medical University also received an invitation to participate in the meeting to make a report.

"You have been arguing with Dr. Jiang for this meeting for a long time. I remember that you were applying to the director two months ago."

Shen Fangyu's friends and students were very happy. On the one hand, they were happy for Shen Fangyu, and on the other hand, they had more opportunities to go. Shen Fangyu was picky and would definitely choose in his own group.

"I'll make your coffee tomorrow morning," Shen Fangyu said to his group, "Remember to come to my office to get it." Then he gently knocked on Jiang Xu's desk and raised his eyebrows and said, "Then I'll go?"

Jiang Xu didn't want to pay attention to him at all. He took the folder and walked out. Yu Sang hurriedly followed him. There were cheers behind him. Yu Sang rolled his eyes and said, "What's the point? Director Cui took us last year and took them this year. It's reasonable."

However, after he finished speaking, he still said to Jiang Xu, "Brother Jiang, I don't think you are in a good state recently." He originally wanted to say that even Director Cui could see it a little.

Jiang Xu didn't know what was wrong with him. At first, he was drowsy. As long as he was a little free, he could fall asleep while standing. Later, he had a loss of appetite. He went to the brain department and the digestive department to do nuclear magnetism and gastroscopy respectively. Later, he even went to the psychiatric department for fear that he had anorexia.

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