Extra One

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Chapter 90 The First Year (1)

Most of the first months of other people's children's birth are eaten, sleeping and eating.

The first month of Xiaoxiao children was spent in eating, sleeping and listening to English listening.
Before Jiang Xu gave birth, Zheng Qi checked the maternity matron Bao Nian they were looking for, and also asked her to sign a non-disclosure agreement. After the operation, Zheng Qi personally sent Bao Nian to the suburban residence.

Bao Nian doesn't talk much, but he is very thoughtful in doing things. He is very proficient in taking care of Xiaoxiao and recovering from the patient.

So after Jiang Xu was discharged from the hospital, the two doctors freed their hands and began to prepare their papers non-stop.

Shen Fangyu wrote a paper in addition to taking care of the child every day. The computer clicked loudly. After writing a paragraph, he read a paragraph for Jiang Xu. The person who had just given birth hurt his eyes when he looked at the screen for a long time. Jiang Xu closed his eyes and listened to him read it. The two discussed and modification word by word.

After several times of laughter, Bao Nian took her over to play with her two fathers.

Jiang Xu's wounds and body were still in the recovery period. He didn't dare to hold the child for too long. Most of the time, he held him in his arms for a while, and Shen Fangyu took it over.

The little girl's eyes were big, and her whole body was small and soft. Shen Fangyu pinched her little hand and continued to read the paper for Jiang Xu.
However, it didn't last long, and Xiaoxiao seemed to be unable to hold on. His eyes closed and opened, opened and closed, and finally completely fell into a coma.

Jiang Xu was worried that the child was too noisy to sleep before, but Xiaoxiao didn't make them worry about coaxing to sleep.

Repeatedly like this several times, Jiang Xu couldn't help worrying from another side, "Why is she sleepy when she listens to English? What if she doesn't want to learn English in the future?"

Shen Fangyu hugged the child, looked down at her sleeping little face, and said with a smile, "If you don't like to learn, just don't learn. As long as she is happy."

Jiang Xu stared at him. Shen Fangyu immediately smiled and said seriously, "You're right. You have to learn English, not only English, but also German, French, Japanese, Korean, Italian and Spanish, and you can't miss any of them."

I don't know if I was aware of any danger. Shen Fangyu's voice fell, and the smiling child in his sleep suddenly woke up from his sleep.

Her big eyes stared round and looked at Shen Fangyu warily. For a long time, a sudden burst into a shocking cry.

The newborn child had no tears and could only howling. However, this did not affect the strength of laughing and venting grievances at all. Every cry made Jiang Xu's heartbroken.

"What's wrong with her?" Jiang Xu hurriedly got up from bed, "Is it time to change diapers?"

Shen Fangyu hurriedly stopped and said, "Don't move. Lie down well. I'll do it."

However, other people's children and their own children are completely different.

Shen Fangyu, who is talented in coaxing children, can't help but be confused and panicked every time he hears his daughter crying.

He hurriedly put Xiaoxiao on the crib and hurried to get the diapers. As a result, the little girl cried like an alarm, which made Shen Fangyu shake his hands and bring down all the baby supplies piled up on the table.

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