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When Jiang Xu went to the ward, Ma Hao was peeling oranges for Ruan Xiufang. Seeing him coming, he quickly put down the fruit and wiped his hands with toilet paper.

"Dr. Jiang." He sat up from the small chair by the bed and looked at Jiang Xu with twinkling eyes.

Ruan Xiufang's state looked much better. She was lying in bed, but now she also sat up and said respectfully, "Dr. Jiang."

Jiang Xu nodded and didn't stop. "Eat the orange first, and come to me to discuss the operation plan later."

Ma Hao and Ruan Xiufang obviously had no intention of eating oranges. As soon as Jiang Xu went to call Shao Le and a new rotating graduate student, he saw the two standing at his door.

Jiang Xu held the folder in his hand, waved to the two, and took Shao Le and the graduate student into the conference room.

"Sit down." After saying that to the two, he opened the folder and said to the graduate student beside Shao Le, "Xiao Wang, please briefly describe your illness."

Xiao Wang obviously made preparations. Although he was a little nervous when he spoke and his words had been stumbling, he said everything he should say in general.

Jiang Xu said "um" and Xiao Wang breathed a sigh of relief.

He took out the checklist and case report in the folder and put it in front of Ruan Xiufang one by one. Seeing that Ma Hao was trying to probe this way, he pushed a few pages slightly to make him see more clearly.

While letting go, he roughly explained the situation to the two. Ruan Xiufang and Ma Hao all calmed down from the bad news and listened very carefully. In addition, Jiang Xu replaced some difficult-to-understand terms, Ruan Xiufang understood.

"Doctor, can I really live a long time?" She listened to Sister Cai's relief and heard Ma Hao say it again, but it involved life and death. She looked at Jiang Xu in a white coat and couldn't help confirming it repeatedly.

"There is no absolute thing in medicine," Jiang Xu said, "But in terms of statistical data, the prognosis of early cervical cancer will not be too bad."

After the basic introduction, he got to the point, "Today, I'm going to talk to you about the choice of surgical style."

In Ruan Xiufang's case, he can choose two types of surgery, cervical cone or total hysterectomy. As the name implies, the former only removes the cervix, and the latter is a complete hysterectomy.

Ruan Xiufang has a child. Jiang Xu confirmed that she did not want to continue to have children and said, "In general, in this case, we usually recommend total hysterectomy. The prognosis is better. According to statistics, the probability of recurrence is also lower."

"The uterus is completely cut..." Ruan Xiufang hesitated, "Then I don't have a uterus."

"The main function of the uterus is to have a fetus. Don't worry, it won't particularly affect your normal life." Shao Le took over.

Ruan Xiufang looked at Shao Le, "But, Dr. Jiang... The cone that Dr. Jiang just said just needs to remove the cervix." As she spoke, she was a little confused.

"As far as the current preoperative evaluation is concerned, your situation is in line with the cone cutting indication," Jiang Xu said, "But the risk of cone cutting is also greater."

To put it bluntly, as long as a malignant tumor grows into a lump visible to the naked eye, the doctor can cut it off, but there may be some tumor cells that are invisible to the naked eye, and it may recur somewhere.

For the uterus, an organ that is not necessary for survival, total incision is the safest treatment, which is one of the reasons why the prognosis of cervical cancer is better than that of other important organ cancer.

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