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Tang Ke took a look at him and understood what he meant.

If such an operation is successful, once it is published, it will definitely cause a sensation in the whole scientific research field, but if it fails, it will be mixed with a number of papers that no one cares about.

I think Jiangxu should have checked a lot of papers recently.

In the face of Tang Ke's searching eyes, Jiang Xu said bluntly, "There have been three cases, one adult died, one child died, and one did not survive."

Therefore, even the surgical videos can't be found on the Internet, and the relevant literature is very rare.

I barely found some, and only mentioned unexplained hemorrhage, multi-organ failure, hemorrhagic shock... A few summed up the death.

Tang Ke didn't expect this level before. After listening to Jiang Xu's words, he realized that the danger might be greater than he thought. The atmosphere was a little low for a while. Tang Ke didn't know what to say. After thinking about it, he said, "It's also a blessing in misfortune. There is the successful case of Country M."

Jiang Xu was silent for a moment, and his eyes fell on the thick checklist. "The condition of the fetus... is better than I expected."

A faint sentence doesn't sound like a tone.

He and Shen Fangyu drank a lot of fake wine on the ridiculous night. In the past few months, he drank a huge amount of coffee, stayed for countless nights, and even had a strong fight with Shen Fangyu in the boxing hall in the hospital lounge.

He thought the child would not be in good condition.

"You have heard the fetal heart, and you have seen all the examination indicators," Tang Ke said, "You child, the same as you are, and your bones are hard."

A child who is not expected has such tenacious vitality.

"I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing." Jiang Xu commented.

The light blue window screen was gently swayed by the breeze. Tang Ke looked at Jiang Xu. The years did not leave too many traces on this man. Except for the more calm temperament, Jiang Xu's appearance and college had hardly changed.

When he was studying, Jiang Xu never lacked suitors because of this face. When he first worked, many people even acquiesced that there must be a partner for a boy like him. However, Tang Ke, as a good friend of Jiang Xu for many years, knew that Jiang Xu had not even held the girl's hand.

He originally thought that Jiang Xu, a top student, had long been out of the interest of love, which belongs to mortals. He never expected that there would be such a comeback today. He seemed to sigh, "Why didn't I see it before? You like men."

He changed his tone of ridisure and wanted to make the atmosphere look more relaxed. "No wonder you were indifferent to so many girls chasing you at that time. I thought you would devote yourself to medicine in your life."

Jiang Xu twitched the corners of his mouth, "I don't like men."

Tang Ke was surprised: "Then why did you sleep with a man and still be 0?"

Jiang Xu: "..."

Jing/zi must have swam along the soft catheter after falling into his body, and Jiang Xu had no reason to deny it.

Tang Ke seemed to understand something from Jiang Xu's avoidance. Combined with Jiang Xu, he was checked by one person all the way, and he firmly did not want children. In an instant, he made up for the sadistic love that I love you but you don't love me. He carefully said, "Baby's father, is a scumbag?"

Jiang Xu's eyes penetrated from the thin lens and fell on Tang Ke's face. "For the sake of your personal safety, I advise you not to ask."

Tang Ke got along well with Jiang Xu. He knew that he was a person with a knife mouth and a bean curtain, especially to his friends. He was also good at it. Therefore, he was not afraid of Jiang Xu, but he was more curious. "Didn't you ask him if he wanted this child?"

Jiang Xu pulled his hair impatiently, "He doesn't know."

"Then you should tell him more," Tang Ke said, "Your situation is not the same as ordinary pregnancy. The risk factor is so high. What if something happens? You two discuss it and make an idea, so that you can have a clear idea as soon as possible."

Jiang Xu bit his lower lip, "I can't open my mouth."

"It's okay," Tang can worry for Jiang Xu that the other party can't accept the man's pregnancy. "You are a doctor. Just explain it to him well. In the final analysis, it's just a rare disease. There are all kinds of strangeness in the world. If he can't accept it, you can ask him to come to me. I'll tell him."

Finally, he remembered something and made a colored joke, "But the baby's father's body is okay. Generally, a man's sperm/zi vitality really can't swim such a long soft catheter."

He gossiped, "Would you bring it to me next time? Let him donate some essence to benefit our province's essence/sub-cobary, and subsidize a little less than 1,000 yuan.

Jiang Xu was quiet for a moment and looked at Tang Ke inexplicably.

The students of the medical school do not shy away from talking about these, and even the teachers will popularize the increasingly serious male problems in class, and threatened that the middle-aged men with sexual dysfunction are now as high as 10%.

Tang Ke once won the attention of the little girls because Shen Fangyu grabbed a rebound in front of the girl he liked, and the passionate curse of Shen Fangyu in the dormitory must be one-tenth.

I don't know how Tang Ke would feel if he knew that the person he just praised was Shen Fangyu.

"What's your expression?" Tang Ke asked.

Jiang Xu coughed twice, and then said to Tang Ke, "You know this man."

"Who is it, who is it!" Tang Ke said, "It's not our college classmates, is it?" He took all the classmates who used to be friends with Jiang Xu in his heart.

Jiang Xu looked at Tang Ke's expectant and gossipy eyes, and was very worried that he would have cardiac arrest later because he was too shocked.

However, his sex history is so clean as a blank sheet of paper that it is impossible to find another suspect at this time.

Jiang Xu took a light view of sex life. He did not pursue or resist, and never thought about what kind of person he would have sex with.

Because he was busy with his studies and work, and had to compete with Shen Fangyu, Jiang Xu had not lived a day of relaxation since his freshman year. Every day was more tired than that of the third year of high school. He had no time to find a partner at all, so he had sex with anyone.

If he had known that it was Shen Fangyu for the first time, and he was still the one below, he would definitely find a favorite girl to marry and get married early. If he was far away from this plague god, it would be better not to see him in his life, and he would not be with him.

"Say it to me!" Tang Ke said, "It's not so appetizing."

"Do you really want to know?" Jiang Xu finally confirmed it.

Facing Tang Ke, who nodded crazily, finally, he said ruthlessly, "Shen Fangyu."

With a bang, the elegant Dr. Tang fell to the ground.

The author has something to say:
Someone's baby: Although my father drinks and stays up late to fight and drink coffee, I am a healthy baby~ (sounds with a strong desire to survive)

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