Thirty four

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After breakfast, Jiang Xu went to work in the study as usual. Since Shen Fangyu came, Jiang Xu's study and desk have been divided into two and become the office of two people.

But when he finished his work, he didn't see Shen Fangyu coming.

Jiang Xu looked at his watch and found that it was twelve o'clock. He frowned slightly.

Shen Fangyu's workaholic is no less than his. As long as he is at home, Shen Fangyu will never appear in the study for such a long time except when he sleeps.


Jiang Xu: "..."

He never thought that Shen Fangyu was so persistent.

"Are you out?" Shen Fangyu said, "It's just the right time. I'm going to call you." He put down the plate and pointed to the plate. "It's just out of the pot. Look at my masterpiece."


Jiang Xu really didn't know where Shen Fangyu's self-confidence came from. He could call this kind of thing a masterpiece without changing his face.

Last time Shen Fangyu said that the four words "Hell Bar" were very beautiful, Jiang Xu felt that Shen Fangyu might just be an aesthetic problem, but now, he quite doubted whether Shen Fangyu's eyes were more or less problematic.

"What is this?" Finally, he couldn't help asking, "Bomb?"

"Can't you see it?" Shen Fangyu said, "Tiger skin green pepper."


Jiang Xu took a deep breath and planned to order takeout for lunch.

Shen Fangyu didn't feel that his cooking skills were disliked at all. He took a piece of tiger skin green pepper into the Jiangxu bowl. "The amount of seasoning and water is accurately weighed according to the recipes on the Internet, accurate to two decimal places. The taste should be fine."



Jiang Xu looked suspiciously at the black things in the bowl and said cautiously, "You eat first."

"Eat it and eat it."

Shen Fangyu took a piece of the words, took a big bite, tasted it for a while, and then the smile slowly froze on his face.


Fortunately, there is something wrong with the eyes, and the tongue is not yet.

Jiang Xu breathed a sigh of relief.

"What is this?" Shen Fangyu looked at the tiger skin green pepper he had bitten half of in disbelief and repeated Jiang Xu's question.

"Tiger skin and green pepper," Jiang Xu watched his expression and added slowly: "You said it yourself."

Shen Fangyu was a little silent. He spit out what he had in his mouth on the tissue, poured the tiger skin green pepper in Jiang Xu's bowl back into the plate, and finally sent the unknown object in the whole plate into the trash can.

"It's too bad," Shen Fangyu squatted in front of the trash can depressedly and looked a little depressed. "It's unscientific. I always got full marks in the experimental class when I was in school."

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