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However, Shen Fangyu, who had just stood on the same front as Jiang Xu, soon defected.

In Jiangxu's bedroom of more than 20 square meters, the ringing sound of the surround speaker is playing the theme song of "The Legend of the New White Lady" at 360 degrees, and the usual quiet bed is shaking crazily, and the bed board is squeaking unbearably.

The two doctors on the bed fought in a group. Jiang Xu was not soft and went straight to Shen Fangyu's key point. Shen Fangyu put all his mind on the protective sound and let Jiang Xu move. I didn't move. Although I suffered a lot of injuries, the sound did not fall into Jiang Xu's hands.

"Shen Fangyu!"

Shen Fangyu had a cynical smile on his face, "Does it sound good?"

Things need to be started an hour ago.

The two still drove two cars home at the same time. While waiting for Jiang Xu's invitation, Shen Fangyu followed up on his home and came to Jiang Xu's home again.

The floor in the bedroom is still there, and there are a lot of toiletries in the bathroom. Even the bath towels seem to have just been washed, and it still smells like basking in the sun.

"Did you wash the towel for me?" Shen Fangyu was surprised.

"The washing machine."

Shen Fangyu said, "That's what you threw into the washing machine."

Jiang Xu glanced at him and his eyes floated to the sky. "Auntie lost it."

He invited the housekeeper to do the cleaning once a week.

Shen Fangyu wondered, "Then why didn't the aunt wash me last time?"

Jiang Xu gave him a white look. Before he opened his mouth, Shen Fangyu first hugged the pink rabbit on his bed and said, "I've been sick for the past few days. Do you miss me?"


"I didn't ask you. I knew that even if the sun came out to the west, Dr. Jiang would not miss me," Shen Fangyu hugged the rabbit in his arms. "I'm asking about it."

He and Jiang Xu agreed that if Jiang Xu's legs cramped at night, or if he had any other discomfort, he would smash him with the rabbit. He would wake up. After so many days, they also had a revolutionary friendship.

Jiang Xu pulled the rabbit back and said, "Go take a shower first."

You can't go to bed without taking a shower, and you can't touch anything on Jiang Xu's bed, including his rabbit. Shen Fangyu curled his lips and took his clothes to the bathroom.

The two took turns to take a shower. As soon as Jiang Xu came out of the bathroom, he saw Shen Fangyu fiddling with something. He took a look and found that it was a portable stereo.

He wiped his hair with a towel. Shen Fangyu glanced at him as if he was waiting for him. He slowly pressed the play button of the stereo. The familiar melody in his memory suddenly popped out, and a string of "Ah~~~, ah~~~" filled Jiang Xu's ears in an instant.

"The Legend of the New White Lady" was watched by Jiang Xu with his parents many years ago. The play that he sang while talking was really memorable. Jiang Xu may not remember much of the details of the plot, but this series of brainwashing "ah" seems to be engraved in the DNA, which makes Jiang Xu dream back more than a dozen in an instant. A year ago.

The stereo has fast-forwarded to sing the lyrics, and Mr. Zuo Hongyuan's voice is full of anger and richness:

"The beautiful scenery of the West Lake is in March..."

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