Eighty nine: End of the Text

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After evaluating Jiang Xu's physical condition many times and discussing with the expert group involved in the operation, Shen Fangyu determined the date of the operation on the day of the previous calculated expected date of delivery - April 1st, April Fool's Day.

Jiang Xu also moved into the residence prepared for Zheng Qi a week in advance.

Shen Fangyu will take part of his time to go to Jihua to maintain his feel and have meetings with the operation team every day. At other times, he basically stayed at home to accompany Jiang Xu.

So Jiang Xu and Shen Fangyu repeated Kenn's surgery video and Albert's first half video countless times, and both of them were about to recite the paper.

After a series of deliberations and discussions, the final preoperative preparation and surgical plan were basically prepared with reference to Kenn's paper, but some details were added.

The houses in the suburbs are much more spacious than the urban areas, and the places are also very clean. The location is quite quiet. The two of them are either reading the literature or discussing in the study, or watching the video that is about to vomit.

Occasionally, Shen Fangyu couldn't help complaining, "It's been more than ten years since the college entrance examination. I feel like I'm back to my senior year of high school."

The questions are done over and over again, and the papers are tested over and over again. They are constantly repeated, analyzed, summarized and reflected, and the number of the red countdown card is getting smaller and smaller.

Jiang Xu looked down at the tablet, and the dim yellow sunset fell on his side face. Shen Fangyu looked over, and even had the illusion that Jiang Xu was sitting with him in the classroom of the third year of high school to prepare for the exam.

The operation time was approaching day by day, and the last evening was stained with sunset. When watching the video for the last time, Shen Fangyu turned off the projection and also took away the tablet in Jiang Xu's hand.

"I won't watch it. I must have a good rest tonight." He stood up and went to pull Jiangxu with his hands. "Let's go and make tiger skin green peppers for you."

Jiang Xu's rotating chair followed Shen Fangyu's movements 90 degrees and was forced to face him.

He sat in the chair a little helplessly, allowing Shen Fangyu to hold his hands, looked up at Shen Fangyu slightly, and said, "If you don't learn, you won't let others learn."

Shen Fangyu made him laugh angrily, "At this time, you can accept your heart as a top student, Jiang Daiichi. I'm ready for everything and only owes the east wind. I have to watch it all the time. I'm familiar with it. I can't be wrong.

"I'm very confident." Jiang Xu smiled at the beginning, grabbed Shen Fangyu's hand and shook it, "Pilla me up."

Shen Fangyu used a little strength, and he stood up with force. He let go of his hand and put his waist and sighed, "It's really getting heavier and heavier."

"Let me weigh it?"

After Shen Fangyu finished speaking, he suddenly picked him up. Jiang Xu was not surprised to see that he was surprised. Knowing that Shen Fangyu could not fall him, he was too lazy to struggle and let him hold him.

"Why are you so hot now?" Shen Fangyu exclaimed.

Jiang Xu put his hand around his neck and put it on his shoulder to maintain stability. He heard the words and said, "I'm used to it."

It was still quite difficult for an adult to take care of a child. Shen Fangyu walked through the living room, carried Jiang Xu into the dining room, and put a cushion on the chair for him before slowly putting it down.

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