Fourty six

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Outside the glass window, in the bright yellow car, Jiang Xu's colleagues who were mentioned parked the car on the roadside and were quietly looking at the bustling restaurant. From his point of view, he could see most of Jiang Xu's side face, but he could not see the person opposite Jiang Xu.

Is Miss Cao beautiful?

It should be very beautiful, Shen Fangyu thought, otherwise, how could Jiang Xu smile so brightly at her?

He has never laughed at him like this.

Shen Fangyu took a deep breath, pressed his eyebrows, and felt that he was really sick. He couldn't even figure out why he was chasing Jiang Xu's car here to watch Jiang Xu's date in this corner where he stopped for 30 yuan an hour.

Before he came, he received an email from the editor of the magazine. After being changed to a completely different face by him, his unlucky student's thesis was finally passed the preliminary examination. The reviewer also put forward a few small comments and asked him to revise it as soon as possible, so now he should seize the time to help the students change their papers at night, instead of reading Jiang Xu and others here. Eat.

But the accelerator was at Shen Fangyu's feet, but he couldn't move a step.

Maybe the night is deeper and more tiring for another day. If the tired brain can't rest, it will retaliate and spread countless thoughts that make you in a bad mood.

For example... Shen Fangyu thought that if he didn't have that child, Jiang Xu could fall in love with Miss Cao, get married, and become the noble son-in-law of the dean. The family is happy and the love is sweet, and then the official fortune is prosperous.

With Jiang Xu's talent, he can probably achieve wealth and freedom at the age of 40. If he wants to continue to struggle, he may become the youngest dean of Jihua. If he wants to rest, he may retire early without pressure and enjoy the life delayed by studying medicine.

This feeling made Shen Fangyu couldn't help but think of some old things, some old things about filling in the college entrance examination.

After Shen Fangyu got the score in the college entrance examination, the admissions teachers of the top universities came to contact him. In fact, no matter how tall the school is, when the admissions office grabs the first-class high-quality students, they all use all their strength, which is no different from the salespersons in the clothing store.

First, praise your school and major, and then tell the students how many scholarships they can get like a discount in a clothing store. There is also a common saying: "This dress in our house sells well. Someone just bought one before you came."

When applied to enrollment, it becomes "I will quietly tell you that another top science student in B city and you are also planning to come to our school." The teacher of the admissions office gave Shen Fangyu a silent look, which meant nothing more than to influence Shen Fangyu's choice with Jiang Xu's choice.

Shen Fangyu, who had been casually listening to the teacher of the admissions office, paused and said, "Did he apply for your school?"

"Yes," the teacher of the Admissions Office of A Medical University said proudly, "When it comes to medical majors, which school in the country is better than us?"

At that time, it had been a month or two since he saw Jiang Xu after the college entrance examination. Shen Fangyu thought that after scoring, Jiang Xu, who had said wild words, would admit defeat to him, but what he didn't expect was that they were tied up.

From the resumption of the college entrance examination to the year when Shen Fangyu and others took the college entrance examination, City B did not have a tied champion for decades, but in that year, fate came.

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