Eighty five

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If you put such a thing in someone else's house, it may take a while to jump and fight, but the Shen family's parents just said a few words without pain, and they couldn't say anything else for a long time.

They don't know how to care about this son at all.

Obviously, he is his own son, but because of his strangeness, he makes people feel less confident.

Shen's mother hesitated for a long time and asked Shen Baihan with Huairou's strategy: "I remember your daughter-in-law seemed to say last time that there was a good girl in their unit, which could be introduced to Fang Yu?"

Shen Baihan knew that it was not suitable to talk about these at this time, so he casually confusedly, "It's not a matter."

Shen's mother refused to let go, and advised Shen Fangyu, "Look at your brother and sister-in-law. How good the relationship between the two is. They are like a fairy couple. Now they have two children and daughters. Who doesn't envy? Your conditions are not bad. Even if you don't like the people in your sister-law's unit, there are many good girls in A City. Why do you want to have your own Life is like this."

"Fang Yu, this is your own life. You have to think clearly," Shen's father also said, "Although marriage is not the whole of life, it will have a great impact on your life experience."

"I think it's very clear," Shen Fangyu said, "Your son has identified my marriage partner in his life anyway. If you force me to find a woman to marry, then I can only go to the circle of friends to public notice that I have a gay person... Let's not talk about your face for the time being," he smiled, "I don't think any girl will come stupidly and I'm getting married."

"You--" Shen's father was very angry. He stood up and pointed to the tip of Shen Fangyu's nose and wanted to say something. His lips moved for a long time, but he couldn't scold him.

"What's his name?" Shen's mother pinched her finger and asked, "Is it the same department as you?"

"I'm sure I won't tell you now, tell you... Let you trouble him?"

Shen Fangyu said, "If you think clearly, you can really accept it. You can sit down with my partner and have a good meal. Let's talk about this again."

He took a look at Shen Baihan and said, "The eldest brother is responsible for filial piety in front of your knees and letting you play with your grandchildren. I will be responsible for rebellion. If you can't accept it, then treat me as a son. Anyway, it was the same before."

"Shen Fangyu!" Shen Baihan said angrily, "What's wrong with you today? Why are you like eating a gun? Can you talk?"

Shen's father was also stung. He pointed to the door and simply said, "Get out of here!"

Shen Fangyu nodded seriously when he heard the words and stood up from the sofa, but Shen's mother grabbed his hand.

"What are you two scolding here? Shut up!" Shen's mother's eyes suddenly turned red. She pressed Shen Fangyu's arm and whispered to him, "Can't you change it?" Do you have to like a man?"

The adult son is very tall, because he had too little time with him when he was a child. Shen's mother almost couldn't remember what Shen Fangyu looked like when he was shorter than him.

It seems that in my memory, he has always been very tall and needs her to look up. He is not as strange as the child who hugs her and cries all every time he meets her again after a long separation.

"Mom," Shen Fangyu looked at his mother's weakness, and his voice softened: "It's not that it can be changed, there is no need to change it."

He looked back at his father, who hated Tie Fuchenggang, and his brother, who wanted to stop talking, and said to Shen's mother, "Mom, Dad, let me get out of here. Then I'll go first. Take care of yourself."

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