Eighty eight

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I don't know whether it was Shen Fangyu's sincere and touching request for leave, or whether Dean Cao was really unbearable for him. He simply looked for foreign aid. A few days later, an uninvited guest suddenly came to Jiang Xu's family.

Men wear very ordinary clothes. At first glance, they don't look particularly memorable.

He sat in the living room of Jiang Xu's house and took the teacup handed over by Shen Fangyu. After polite thanks, he slowly introduced to the two people: "My name is Zheng Qi, and I'm a staff member of the Confidential Bureau."

Although Shen Fangyu said before that President Cao said that there would be people from above to find them in the near future, the moment they heard this introduction, Jiang Xu and Shen Fangyu still subconsciously looked at each other.

Zheng Qi caught this detail, his eyes moved slightly, and his eyes thought a little more.

Although he could guess that the name Zheng Qi was probably not true, Shen Fangyu still said thoughtfully, "Mr. Zheng, what can I do for you?"

Zheng Qi took out some documents and confidential documents and handed them to them. On the one hand, he proved his identity, and on the other hand, he also explained his intention. "I came for the operation of male pregnancy."

"The information provided by the director of Jihua Hospital to us is that Dr. Jiang Xu and Dr. Shen Fangyu will be mainly responsible for this operation. I'm sorry that I came to visit so late because of the background investigation of the political review of the two doctors and their families in private."

He said bluntly, "I have seen the photos of the two doctors many times. If you are not mistaken, you should be Dr. Jiang and Dr. Shen. There is nothing wrong with your review, but in order to cooperate with the work, I still hope you can take out your certificates and give me further verification of my identity."

When Jiang Xu heard the words, he was about to get up. Shen Fangyu pressed his shoulder, went to the study, turned out the certificates of both of them, and handed them to Zheng Qi.

"Thank you."

Zheng Qi took the information, looked through it carefully for a long time, raised his head, and returned it to Shen Fangyu.

"I came here this time to see the patient," Zheng Qi took a look at Jiang Xu's abdomen, which was obviously different from ordinary people, and said bluntly, "But now, I think I have to confirm the relationship between the two of you."

Seeing the silence of the two, Zheng Qi put his hands on his overlapping knees and continued, "I hope you are frank enough and don't have any concealment so that we can better help you and achieve a win-win cooperation."

After he finished speaking, Jiang Xu and Shen Fangyu did not make a sound. The room was very quiet, as if they could even hear the wind outside the window.

After a long time, Zheng Qi smiled, "Dr. Jiang, Dr. Shen, under the current pressure of public opinion, you can have the courage to decide to do this operation. I believe that you also believe in the country. You don't have to have any ideological concerns. It is my job to protect you."

Shen Fangyu glanced at Jiang Xu and squeezed his lips.

A moment later, Jiang Xu raised his eyes and said solemnly, "We are lovers."

Zheng Qi nodded, and his eyes did not look surprised. "That patient?"

Zheng Qi's calm attitude appeased Jiang Xu to a certain extent. He looked down at the obviously swollen abdomen and said to Zheng Qi, "I'm a patient."

"I see," Zheng Qi said, "but I still need your inspection report to support the information you said."

Shen Fangyu took out the kraft paper bag and handed all the documents to Zheng Qi. After reading it, Zheng Qi said to Jiang Xu, "In the past month, we will have someone to escort you for an examination to further confirm that the situation is true. At the same time, he will also take the two of you to the operating room to check the equipment in advance. If you have any needs, You can bring it up at any time."

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