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It was not until Jiang Xu and Shen Fangyu could discuss this matter. It was probably because the two were too conspicuous at the door of the inpatient department. A passing woman suddenly grabbed Jiang Xu and asked, "Hey, doctor, do you know how to get to the obstetrics and gynecology department?"

Jiang Xu was stunned. Shen Fangyu stuffed his mobile phone back into Jiang Xu's pocket, blocked the woman's movements without a trace, and slightly protected him in front of Jiang Xu. The defensive posture did not affect the habitual smile on his face at all.

"Sister, what can I do for you?"

Even the voice is gentle and polite, and I can't help but let you say what's on your mind.

-- Shen Fangyu is like this. He is especially good at making face. He is good-looking and has a high emotional intelligence. If it doesn't sound good, he is left and right. Everyone thinks that he is a friend with him. Even the patients say that he has affinity and feels that it is more useful to talk to him for a few more days than taking medicine.

It's also a good thing.

The woman in front of her really seemed to have caught a savior. She didn't care at all that Shen Fangyu was not too friendly to stop him.

She showed a flattering smile, curled the hair scattered on her temples behind her ears, pulled the girl next to her to look at the soles of her feet, and said to Shen Fangyu, "I'm looking for Dr. Jiang Xujiang from obstetrics and gynecology," she patted the girl beside her and added, "This is his sister."

"Sister?" Shen Fangyu took a look at Jiang Xu and said, "Why didn't I know you had a sister?"

Besides, she is still a big-bellied sister.

Jiang Xu estimated that it had been about nine months and was about to give birth.

And the woman obviously understood something from Shen Fangyu's words. She looked at Jiang Xu with some embarrassment and excitement, "It's Rongrong. I'm your aunt. I hugged you when I was a child!" After saying that, she seemed to be like Shen Fangyu to prove that she and Jiang Xu were really close, and she was going to take Jiang Xu's wrist.

Jiang Xu was so stiff when she held her sleeve that she didn't immediately realize her aunt's name.

"Fleece?" Shen Fangyu teased him with some jokes, "Does Dr. Jiang still have such a cute nickname?"

"..." Jiang Xu looked at him silently, and the latter closed his mouth as if he were kind.

Jiang Xu pulled back his hand without a trace. The woman's words reminded him of the phone call between the two, and even some unpleasant and chaotic morning.

He looked at Shen Fangyu, who showed an inexplicable expression, which meant that I didn't say anything. Why did you stare at me?

Jiang Xu silently withdrew his eyes and said politely to the woman in front of him, "Auntie." His eyes moved to the young woman who looked a little cramped and greeted him, "Sister Lili?"

Last time, his aunt, whom he had never heard of, suddenly appeared and said that she wanted him to give birth to his daughter. Later, the hospital was busy, and he had no time to have dinner with this cheap aunt, so he only asked his own mother to explain the reason.

Jiang's mother, like most other parents, has a child who is a doctor. Jiang Xu has mentioned it several times. Obviously, his mother has always left ear in and right ear.

After that, the aunt didn't contact him again. Jiang Xu was busy with work and had forgotten about it for a long time. Unexpectedly, she came to the hospital.

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