Fifty three

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"Yo, Brother Xu, are you going back to campus?"

Taking off his coat, Yu Sang saw Jiang Xu's bright orange sweatshirt inside at a glance. "This is not like your style."

Jiang Xu glanced at Shen Fangyu, who turned around and said to Sang, "Is it good?"

"Good-looking." Yu Sang subconsciously answered. After saying that, he found that the person who asked him was Shen Fangyu. He looked at Shen Fangyu with a ghostly expression on his face, and then fell back the searching eyes to Jiang Xu's face.

"Mr. Jiang!" Shao Le called him at the door.

Jiang Xu nodded to Shao Le and walked out of the office before a question mark appeared in Yu Sang's head. Yu Sang, who was confused, patted his forehead and said to himself, "It should be a hallucination."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Xu asked Shao Le.

Shao Le handed a lot of documents to Jiang Xu, "The patient transferred from the lower hospital this morning is suspected to be primary unilateral ovarian cancer."

"Is there a transfer?" Jiang Xu looked at the B-ultrasound checklist.

"I have discharged the transfer stove in the previous hospital, but I haven't found it for the time being." Shao Le asked, "Shall we arrange it again?"

Jiang Xu didn't answer him. He quickly turned over the case first, and then frowned slightly and said, "The patient is only 17 years old?"

Too young.

Jiang Xu picked up the CT film again and looked at the light. After a long time, he put the CT film back in the bag and turned over the previous inspection results page by page.

"That's all?" He asked Shao Le.

"That's all the patient gave," Shao Le said, "I have seen almost all the tests that should be done. B-ultrasound shows cystic lesions, and CT enhances the echo area, which is indeed like a malignant tumor."

Jiang Xu showed the B-ultrasound list to Shao Le, "Don't you think the boundary outline is too clear, and the blood flow on the cyst wall is very rich."


Jiang Xu said to Shao Le, "Ask the patient if she has any digestive tract symptoms, give her an urgent gastroscope and colonoscopy, do another B-ultrasound, and ask the doctor to focus on the ovaries without lumps."

"Mr. Jiang..." Shao Le heard his meaning, "Do you suspect that they misdiagnose?"

Jiang Xu was a little silent. He took a look at Shao Le and handed back the document to her. "Just exclude it. I hope I think too much. Is the patient here? I'll go and have a look."

"Coming." Shao Le put away all the information and was ready to take him to the ward.

"Jiang Xu!" A familiar female voice interrupted the two.

Jiang Xu looked up and found that it was Yan Hua who called him. Today, she changed into a light gray windbreaker, and stood a girl with green hair and tattoo stickers on her arms, wearing only a fashion brand sleeveless vest.

Very personality.

Yan Hua dragged the little girl to Jiang Xu. She saw Shao Le following Jiang Xu. The two seemed to have a job, so she asked, "Are you busy?"

"Go to see a patient." Jiang Xu said, "What's the matter?"

"A patient in the association," Yan Hua pointed to the girl around him. "Is Shen Fangyu there? If you are busy, I will find him."

In the Women's Rights Protection Association they participated in, many people who need help are sick, and obstetrics and gynecology are all women's departments, which are often involved.

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