(Prologue) The Lone Wolf...

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⚠️(A/N) ALRIGHTY. For those who are returning, you already know the deal, but for newcomers, within this story Kirito is not the main character. He will be taking a secondary character role and will not be the focus of the story. So Nhazul/the male reader will be using his scenes. If that isn't your cup of tea, now is your chance to drop the story. I rather not have toxic comments about it later on. So I hope you find a story more to your liking.

Also, for those who are returning for the rewrite/revision , I'm asking you to please NOT POST SPOILING COMMENTS regarding any information from the original. I want new readers of the story to experience the story without being spoiled. ⚠️

No one's POV

Currently, within an unknown dungeon, a party of players were currently in the middle of taking on the boss. A player with a Axe attempted to flank the boss from the side, as the Tank of the group held it's agro.

Player: Just hold it down like that!

The player with the Axe , along with 3 other players all attempted to take it out with their combined Sword Skills,

The player with the Axe , along with 3 other players all attempted to take it out with their combined Sword Skills,

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but using an AOE attack, they were all blown back and paralyzed by the boss.

Player: S-Shit...!

As the boss readied it's weapon, going to kill them, without any warning, the boss was pushed back, being heavily damaged.

Player: W-What?

Within another flash, the boss's head was soon cut off, killing it, as it bursting into pixels

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Within another flash, the boss's head was soon cut off, killing it, as it bursting into pixels. Standing where the boss was once was, was a boy in a black and blue outfit, along with his hood up. Upon sheathing his black long sword, the player went to walk away, only to be yelled at by the players.

Player: Hey! Where do you think you're going?!

The hooded player just looked at the one player.

Player: You think you can just come out of nowhere and just steal our kill?!

Hooded Player: From the looks of it, the only kills that were stolen were from that boss.

Player: Shut the hell up! Give us the drops from the boss!

One of the players just looked at the hooded player and their eyes widened.

Player#2: W-Wait... Dressed in black and blue.... Black long sword... This... He's the Wolf..!

The main player looked back at the hooded player, now nervous.

Player: W-What...?! The Wolf...?!?!

The player now known as the Wolf just continued to look at the players, who all began to back away slowly. Seeing this, the boy continued to walk away, leaving the party of players and making his way out the dungeon. Upon leaving and making it to town, the boy rented a room within an Inn and upon entering, he proceeded to just sit down on the bed in silence.

???: ...

As the Wolf sat in silence, he soon opened his inventory, taking out a Message Crystal.

???: ...

The Wolf proceeded to play the message and upon reaching the end, the final words made his heart ache.

???: No matter what world you are in, I will always love you...

As the message ended, the Wolf proceeded to begin to cry, thinking of the person who sent him the message, before looking up.

???: I'll end it... I'll end everything... I bring an end this this world... I promise...

The Wolf Of SAO (Sword Art Online Anime x OC/male reader insert) Where stories live. Discover now