Chapter 52 The Hero's Sword

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No one's POV

Currently, Nhazul, Kazuto and Suguha were all having breakfast within Kazuto and Suguha's dinning room, as Nhazul had spent the night again to work on project they were trying to finish.

Suguha: Kazuto, Nhazul, were you both up late last night?

Kazuto: Homework for school.

Nhazul: Mechatronics.

Suguha: Megatron?

Nhazul: ...-_-... No, not Megatron, Mechatronics.

As Suguha looked at her tablet, she pulled something up and showed it to Nhazul, as he looked shocked.

Nhazul: What?!

Kazuto: What is it?

Nhazul: Someone found the The Hero's Sword in ALO...!

Kazuto: Wait, what?

Nhazul just sighed annoyed.

Nhazul: I guess someone beat me to it...

Suguha: Read it carefully... It's only been found. That's all. No one actually has it yet.

Hearing this, Nhazul sighed in relive.

Nhazul: Don't scare me like that...

Several months ago, on a Arun plateau, Nhazul, Kirito, Leafa and Strea were all swallowed by a giant worm monster, and dropped into a underground world known as [Jötunheimr].

There they saw a Tyrant class humanoid with four arms attacking a Tyrant that looked like a combination of an elephant and a jellyfish. Leafa begged them to save the that was being attacked and after taking it out, Leafa named the jellyfish thing [Tonkii]. After saving it, it grew eight wings and carried them to the path to the upper world. On the way there, they saw a huge labyrinth hanging from beneath the World Tree, Nhazul saw a withered sword stabbed into a base.

Nhazul: I was planning to get them at some point, but...

Suguha: We've both been spending all your time on the New Aincrad.

Nhazul: Well, that and I couldn't find the Quest that was tied to it...

Kazuto: But how did they find it? Players can't fly in Jötunheimr. And it's high enough that unless you fly, you can't see its location.

Suguha: Maybe someone succeeded in saving one of Tonkii's friends, and trigged the quest flag like we did.

Nhazul: That'd make sense.

Kazuto: That creepy...

Suguha then glared at Kazuto

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Suguha then glared at Kazuto.

Kazuto: No..."Unique " appearance that...that Tyrant has only a weirdo...

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