Chapter 103 Solitude Of War

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No one's POV

Sometime Later...

Currently, on the outskirts of Rulid Villages on the outside of log cabin. Alice who was in casual clothing, was in the middle picking different vegetables from the garden, as she sat them in a basket.


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Alice: ...

???: Sister!

Alice then looked over and saw her sister, Selka running up to her and hugged her.

Selka: Good morning, sister!

Alice: Selka. Welcome. What brings you here today?

Selka: Since it's so nice out, I wanted to go to the eastern hill. And can Nhazul come out too, right?

Alice then looked towards the cabin and then smiled.

Alice: It's such a lovely day. It'd be a shame for him to spend it inside.

Inside the cabin, Nhazul sitting in a wheelchair, in front of a wall that housed Alice's [Osmanthus Sword], Eugeo's broken [Blue Rose Sword] and his [Night Sky Sword]. Nhazul was still missing his right arm, his green eyes were completely dull and lifeless, with nothing but a blank and mentality broken expression on his face.

Alice: Shall we go, Nhazul?

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Alice: Shall we go, Nhazul?


After entering the cabin, Alice began dress Nhazul, putting his jacket on for him, as well as wrapping a navy blue scarf around him.

Alice: Alright. Let's get going.

As Alice started to wheel Nhazul out, he started reach his hand out to the swords on the wall.

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