Chapter 73 Released

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No one's POV

Elsewhere, having taken several of his personal belongings stored in a large manila envelope and signed umpteen documents, Eiji Nochizawa stepped out through the front door of the Yoyogi police station. It had already been 7 days since he turned himself in on the 1st of May. Actually, perhaps it would be more accurate to say that it was only 7 days.

Eiji had testified the truth about everything, apart from his motives, regarding how he attacked and injured the members of the Fuurinkazan guild, along with Nhazul. During the investigation, he claimed that he "held a grudge over some trouble in-game", though that wasn't a complete lie.

He figured that there would be no chance of being released on bail as he had sent as many as six people to the hospital, while not having anyone to vouch for his behaviour upon release; however, today he was suddenly informed that he would be released without indictment. It seemed that the Fuurinkazan guys either hadn't filed a report or withdrew it, but Eiji didn't feel indebted to them for that. After all, just because he was released didn't mean he had any place to go to.

Conventionally, he had no other option but to return to his apartment in the Meguro ward. He did want to get changed, take a bath and, most of all, sleep soundly in a familiar bed.

However, at the same time, he also felt that he absolutely didn't want to do that. He didn't want to return to his normal life. He never ever wanted to return to those days when he could only wait for his regrets and despair to eat him up bit by bit.

Ever since he was released from the death game in the autumn two years ago no, to be accurate, an additional year before that, since 18th of October 2023, the day Yuna, Yuuna died in Aincrad, Eiji lived in a world with no light to be found.

Having left the Knights of the Blood, he secluded himself in the inn on the First Floor where he had been living with Yuuna, recalling Yuuna's final moments time after time each day. His head was filled with nothing but thoughts such as 'At that time, if only I had done this or that.' At first, he only blamed himself. 'If only I had been stronger. If only I had noticed the gimmick for that trap zone. If only I hadn't gone out to help those trapped players'.

However, about half a year after the incident, he noticed that he wasn't the only one at fault for Yuuna's death.'If only those reckless players didn't fall for that painfully obvious trap.'

If only they had actually read the strategy guide and all had a [Cough Potion], an item that was indispensable for the fortieth floor.'

'If only the players that came to the rescue with us didn't prioritise crushing that boss monster and instead helped save Yuuna from her plight.

At that moment, Eiji had desperately pleaded the main players of the rescue party, the two members of the Clearing guild named [Fuurinkazan]. 'I'm begging you, please go save Yuna', he begged.

However, those two answered that they would all be wiped out if the boss wasn't defeated properly and thus didn't even try to leave their posts.

Before he knew it, Eiji became possessed by the thought that Yuuna was killed not by the monsters or SAO itself, but by those two guys. As progress was made on clearing the floors and Eiji began seeing the name Fuurinkazan in the info broker's newspaper, the focus of his hatred expanded to include the other members and even the guild leader.

'They were the ones who killed Yuuna. They wanted to hog the boss's drop items, so they didn't come to Yuuna's aid.'

In a corner of his mind, he realised that this was an absurd grudge that was based on what was practically a false accusation. However, Eiji had no other way to continue living in that world apart from being fixated on that idea.

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