Chapter 76 The Underworld

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No one's POV

Currently, within a forest two young boys were in the middle of chopping away at a massive tree.

One of the boys was blonde and has green eyes and was chopping away, as the other boy with black hair and green eyes was sitting on the ground watching

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One of the boys was blonde and has green eyes and was chopping away, as the other boy with black hair and green eyes was sitting on the ground watching.

???: 47!

As the blonde boy continued to chop at the tree, his hits echoed through the area. The black haired boy stood up and picked up a stick and made a tally mark in the dirt, as the blonde haired boy went to hit the tree again.

???: 50!

As the blonde haired boy swung and missed the part of the tree he was chopping, he fell to the ground exhausted.

???: I only heard 3 good hits out of 50. So...that brings it to 41 total, huh? Looks like you're treating me to the Siral Water today, Eugeo.

Eugeo: Says the guy who's only at 43 good hits

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Eugeo: Says the guy who's only at 43 good hits. I'll catch up in no time. Come on it's your turn, Nhazul.

Nhazul: Yeah, yeah

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Nhazul: Yeah, yeah.

Nhazul then looked up at the tree and sighed.

Nhazul: 1 year and 3 months. After swinging that ax this much everyday... I don't think I can take much more of this...

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