Chapter 80 The End Mountain

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No one's POV

Currently, still in bed, Nhazul was still asleep in his room, as Selka was trying to wake him up.

Nhzual: 10 more minutes... Maybe only 5...

Selka: No. Wake up.

Nhazul then looked back and thought he saw Yuuki.

Nhazul: Yuuki...?

As Selka  ripped Nhzual's covers off of him, he just looked at her.

Selka: Snap out of it already

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Selka: Snap out of it already. It's 5:30. You may be a guest, and a lost lChild of Vecta, but you're still expected to get up on time, okay?

Nhazul: ...-_-...Alright, alright...

Selka: Good.


As the next day began, currently, Nhazul was with Eugeo as he's chopping away at the Gigas Cedar, as Nhazul was watching him while sitting in the grass.

Eugeo: 45!

Nhazul's thoughts: There's still a lot about this world I don't understand. And to get to the Central City, I'm definitely going to need Eugeo's help. But to release Eugeo from his Calling... I guess we're going to have to chop this tree down first?

Eugeo: What's wrong, Nhazul?

Nhazul: No, it's nothing.

Eugeo: That's it for this morning, so let's have lunch.

As Nhazul and Eugeo sat up against the tree, they started to eat their lunch.

Eugeo: I really wish you could've tasted Alice's pie. The crust was so flaky, and there was so much filling... Having it some fresh milk, I couldn't think of anything in world that tasted better.

Nhazul: So, Alice's Calling was a Baker?

Eugeo: No, it wasn't. Alice was studying the Sacred Arts at the church. She was known as the greatest prodigy ever born in this town, and she could cast all kinds of spells by the time she was 10.

Nhazul: Really? Then what about Selka, the girl living in the church now?

Eugeo: She's Alice's little sister. After Alice was gone, she moved into the church to become a nun and study the Sacred Arts as well.

Nhazul: Come to think about it, there's a lot of kid besides Selka.

Eugeo: Those kids were taken in after they lost their parents. Ever since an epidemic broke out in the village 3 years ago. And that's not everything. All these odd things seem to be happening lately. There's talk that a horde of Goblins appeared far south on the main road and having been attacking and abducting people.

Nhazul then looked at Eugeo confused.

Nhazul: Goblins?

Eugeo: But I think they're just rumors. Because a Integrity Knight would've subdued them right away. They have to. All Alice did was touch the ground in the land of Darkness....and those Goblins are much, much worse....

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