Chapter 58 A Tearful Goodbye

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No one's POV

After everyone had covered, Nhazul and Yuuki and the Sleeping Knights entered the boss room, as the boss the appeared, which was a two headed giant, with four arms.

Nhazul: Alright, this is our one and only chance

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Nhazul: Alright, this is our one and only chance. Let's make it count!

Everyone: Yeah!

As Nhazul and Yuuki both drew their swords, the others had did the same, preparing to fight.

Yuuki: Okay, let's do it!

As everyone rushed forward towards the boss, it attempted to hit them with its its hammer, however Tecchi managed to block it with his shield, as Yuuki and Nori jumped through, and started slashing at its arm, dealing damage to it.

As it once again attempted to hit them with it's chain, Nhazul ran up and used the Sword skill

As it once again attempted to hit them with it's chain, Nhazul ran up and used the Sword skill

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«Vertical Arc», slashing the boss and pushed it back.

Nhazul: Let's keep it up!

As Nhazul, Yuuki along with the Sleeping Knights continued to deal damage to the boss, the boss started to guard and blocked all of their attacks, now pushing them all back with it's chains. As it did, it had lowered their HP, with Siune healing them, returning to deal damage.

Nhazul's thoughts: This thing isn't giving an inch, but even so...

As Yuuki and Talken rushed in, Talken was hit by the chain and his spear was sent flying and it hit the boss in the chest, causing it to flinch and started to guard that spot. Upon seeing this, Nhazul smirked.

Nhazul's thoughts: There's always a weakness.

As Nhazul stabbed one of his swords into the ground, he took out a handful of throwing knifes, throwing them at the spot where Talken's spear had hit, as the boss flinched once again flinched and guarded.

Nhazul: Thought so. Yuuki!

Yuuki: Yeah? What is it?

Nhazul: It has a week spot.

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