Chapter 53 Skill Connect

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No one's POV

After making their way through the dungeon, clearing out monsters as they did, the group eventually were stopped two [Minotaurs], one of which had high resistance for magical attacks, the other for physical attacks and the two would change places to heal after having suffered too much damage.

Nhazul: Damn.... This thing isn't giving an inch...

As Sinon drew an arrow and went to shoot arrow at the black Minotaur, in the back, the yellow one caught her arrow and quickly destroyed it.

Leafa: This is bad. Nhazul, Kazuto! The yellow one's physical resistance is too high...!

Kirito: Yeah...

Klein: Damn it. If only we had a mage in our party who could use attack spells...

Mito just looked at Klein with an annoyed look.

Mito: Really? You of all people are saying that?

Lisbeth: That would just mean the black one with high magic resistance would go to the front. This is really tough to deal with.

The yellow Minotaur soon began to raise it's axe in the air, readying an attack.

Yui: Shock wave attack in 2 seconds! One! Zero!

As the yellow Minotaurs slammed its axe into the ground, sending out a powerful shockwave, Nhazul jumped and grabbed Strea, as he jumped out of the way, along with everyone else.

Strea: Thanks for the save, little brother.

Nhazul: Don't mention it, Sis.

As Asuna saw everyone's HP was nearing the red, she started to heal them with a healing spell. As she did, the yellow Minotar went to attack, only for Nhazul to block, cross guarding his swords.

Asuna: Kirito, Nhazul! At this pace, I'll run out of MP in 150 seconds...!

Nhazul: Noted....

Leafa: Kazuto, Nhazul. The medallion's over over 70% black. If we die, we won't have time to come back...!

Kirito: Right...

Nhazul then looked back at everyone.

Nhazul: Everyone! There's only one thing we can do now! We'll be vulnerable to attack, but if you do a magic type Sword Skill. It might be able to do damage to the yellow one!

As Nhazul broke the clash, Kirito spoke up.

Kirito: We'll have to take the chance, and concentrate all our Sword Skills on the yellow one, to defeat it.

Klein: Okay! I've been waiting for you both to say that!

Nhazul: Silica, time your bubbles to the countdown.

Silica: Right!

Nhazul: Two...One...Now!

Silica: Pina, «Bubble Breath»!

Pina used her «Bubble Breath» on the yellow bull, stunning it.

Nhazul: Go!

With that, everyone proceeded to changed up theirs Sword skills, all rushing forward and all hitting the yellow Minotaur, lowering its HP. Afterwards, as everyone attempted to move, they couldn't due the Post Motion from the Sword skills. However, both Nhazul and Kirito looked at the yellow Minotaur, readying their next strikes.

Nhazul: Kirito!

Kirito: Right!

Suddenly, both Nhazul and Kirito's main swords stopped glowing, when their off hand swords began to glow orange and blue, charging up another Sword Skill, surprising everyone.

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