Chapter 90 Secrets Of The Underworld

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No one's POV

As both Nhazul and Eugeo continued to stand off with Integrity Knight Eldrie Synthesis Thirty One, Eugeo just looked at him curiously.

Eugeo: "Eldrie"? I've heard that name...

Nhazul: Eugeo. We're going to have to fight him. I'll face him first, and you wait for my signal.

Eugeo: Alright.

As Nhazul then unwraps his chain from around his arm, he walked up to Eldrie.

Eldrie: You're going to use those chains as your weapons? Then let me not fight with a sword, but instead with this.

Eldrie proceeded to pull out a whip.

Eldrie: System Call: Enhance Armament!

Suddenly, Eldrie's whip started to glow, ashe then went to attack Nhazul with it.

Nhazul: If it's whip, as long as we keep an eye on the distance.. It can't possib-

Suddenly the whip proceeded to extend, shocking Nhazul.

Nhazul's thoughts: It extended?!

Nhazul quickly used his chain to block the hit, but was still pushed back by it.

Eldrie: Ah, so you managed to withstand a blow from my Divine Object, the [Frostscale Whip] at first sight?

Eugeo: Nhazul!

Nhzual: Eugeo, I'll find a way to stop his whip, so you can strike him.

Eugeo: Right.

Eldrie: Are you done discussing, prisoners? Now then...try to keep me at least somewhat entertained!

Nhzual: System Call: Generate Thermal Element: From Element Arrow Shape!

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Nhzual: System Call: Generate Thermal Element: From Element Arrow Shape!

Nhzual: System Call: Generate Thermal Element: From Element Arrow Shape!

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Eldrie: System Call: Generate Cryogenic Element: Form Element Bird Shape. Counter Thermal Object.

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