Chapter 100 Resist

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No one's POV 

As Nhazul, Eugeo, Alice and Cardinal all stood against with Quinella, she just smiled, turning her gaze towards Cardinal.

Quinella: I thought you'd come. If I tormented those children long enough. I knew you'd emerge from your musty hole sooner or later.

Cardinal: Since I last saw you, you've grown adept at imitating a human.

Quinella: Oh my. And what about you, pipsqueak? Why are you speaking to me in that bizarre manner? 200 hundred years ago, when you were brought before me, you were trembling and alone! Right, Lyserith?

Hearing this name, Cardinal looked at Quinella annoyed.

Cardinal: Don't call me by that name, Quinella! My name is Cardinal. I am the program that only exists into delete you.

Quinella: Yes, that's right. And I am the Administrator. The one who controls all programs. I apologize for not greeting you sooner, pipsqueak, but I was preparing the command to welcome you, and it took longer then expected.

As Quinella held her hand up, a barrier covered all of the 100th Floor, as Cardinal looked at her shocked, as Quinella disconnect the top floor of the Central Cathedral from the rest of the world, preventing anyone in the room from escaping.

Cardinal: You disconnected the address, didn't you?

Quinella: 200 years ago, it was certainly a mistake to let you get away when I was so close to killing you, pipsqueak. And so, I decided to learn from my mistake. If I could someday lure you out, I'd trap on this side. A mouse inside a cage with the cat that hunts it.

Cardinal: But in this situation, it isn't clear which of us is the cat, and which is the mouse, is it? After all, there are 4 of us and only 1 of you.

Quinella: Four against one? No, your calculations are a bit off.

Moments later, the Sword Golem, having fully regenerated, stood up, surprising everyone.

Cardinal: What?!

Quinella: To be precise, it's 4 against 300, not even including me.

Nhazul: 300?

Cardinal then looked at the Sword Golem and was completely horrified.

Cardinal: You...What...What depths have you sunk to? Are they not the very subjects you should be protecting?!

Eugeo: Subjects? Subjects as in humans...?

Alice: Which means that monster is human?

Quinella: As I'd I would even bother with petty matters like" the subjects I should be protecting. " I am a ruler. As long as they are under my rule exist in the lower world in the manner l desire, wether human or sword, then there's no need concer.

Cardinal: You...

Quinella: Oh my, you're not shocked by the matter conversion of measly 300 human units, are you?

Cardinal: Did you say measly?

Quinella: And this is only a prototype. In order to mass produce the finished version to handle the awful load test, I think I'll need at least half.

Cardinal: Half of what...?

Quinella: Half of the 80,000 or so humans units residing in the Human Empire. That should be enough. To repeal the Dark Territory's invasion and attack the other side.

Everyone hearing this, looked at Quinella completely and utterly shocked.

Quinella: Well? Are you satisfied, Alice? Your precious Human Empire will be well protected.

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