EX Story Chapter 3 The Wolf And The Devil

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No one's POV

Currently, LLENN, Fukaziroh and Nhazul were all crawling through the tall grass inside the dome area, as Sinon was far away in the distance within her sniper's nest, ready to spot and give sniper support.

Nhazul: Sinon, any sign of the enemies?

Sinon: No, you're clear for now.

LLENN: Good. Then let's keep moving forward.

Fukaziroh: I never imagined there be a savannah inside the dome. I feel like a cockroach crawling through a kitchen... Though there aren't cockroaches in Hokkaido... So where are we now?

Nhazul then looked at LLENN's terminal.

Nhazul: From the looks of it, halfway there.

Fukaziroh: That's all...?

Fukaziroh then crawled on Nhazul's back.

Fukaziroh: I don't feel like crawling anymore... Carry me...

Nhazul: Fuka, will you get off..!

LLENN: Going around to the north would put us in a formidable MMTM's path, and to the south would make us run into SHINC. The fastest way to get to Pito is going through the dome.

Fukaziroh: But there's three other teams in here with us.

Nhazul: Sinon hasn't spotted them, yet so they could be all hiding and waiting.

LLENN: I know... Maybe this is where I lose my reputation as "Lucky girl"... Fuka, are you sure you can't sprout wings from your back? I'll hang underneath while you soar the rest of the way...

Nhazul: ...-_-... I'm pretty that would make you a very easy target to get picked off, LLENN...

Suddenly, the three of them heard gunfire up ahead, as they all looked confused.

Nhazul: Sinon, do you have eyes on any teams?

Sinon: No, I don't.

LLENN: I can't see any bullet lines.

Fukaziroh: Then they're firing at each other. Wipe each other out! That helps us!

Sinon: That's not the case at all... This is a trap. The gunfire is too close together. They're trying to lure you out.

LLENN: They must be working together too.

Fukaziroh: The previous SJ winner is popular!

LLENN: If we keep moving slowly like this, we'll slip out of their net. I don't want to waste precious bullets in this situation like this. Nhazul and I are going to take a slight detour to the right. Give us another line, Sinon, keep your eyes out.

Fukaziroh and Sinon: Roger.

As Fukaziroh shot over a bullet line near LLENN and Nhazul, they continued to follow it however Sinon called them through the comms.

Sinon: Enemies ahead. 30 meters.

LLENN: Fuka, fire!

Fukaziroh proceeded to fire off a grenade at them and as it exploded behind them, Nhazul and LLENN both rushed them and took them out.

Fukaziroh: You both alright?

Nhazul: Yeah, we're fine.

LLENN: Unfortunately, they found us! Thanks for the back up! Can you make it here?

Fukaziroh: On my way!

Sinon: No! Fuka stay down!

Fukaziroh then stood and bumped into a player and they aimed their gun at her.

The Wolf Of SAO (Sword Art Online Anime x OC/male reader insert) Where stories live. Discover now