Chapter 105 Raids

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No one's POV

Currently, Alice is speeding towards Rulid Village on Amayori and as she's flying, she then remembered what Nhazul did before she left.


As Alice was still looking at the smoke, coming from Rulid Village in the distance, she was unsure of whether she was strong enough to fight the Dark Territory and save the villagers, Alice stood petrified,

As Alice was still looking at the smoke, coming from Rulid Village in the distance, she was unsure of whether she was strong enough to fight the Dark Territory and save the villagers, Alice stood petrified,

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until she saw Nhazul attempting to reach the three swords hanging on the wall, dragging himself on the floor towards them.

Nhazul: Ah... Ah... Ah...

Alice saw Nhazul, she looked at him shocked and heartbroken.

Alice: Nhazul...

Inspired by his action, Alice equipped her armor under an overcoat and pulled her [Osmanthus Sword] from the wall, after which, she leapt onto Amayori and headed for the village.


Alice's thoughts: It's all right. I'll go. After I've rescued the villagers, I'll come right back. Nhazul!

As Alice reached the Village, she looked down and saw Goblins walking through the village and Men at arms trying to fend them off. Upon seeing this, Alice was shocked to see that there were countless people who had not fled.

Alice's thoughts: Why won't they flee south where there aren't any enemies?

Alice: Amayori, Wait here until I summon you!

Without hesitation, Alice jumped down from her dragon,

landed next to Village Chief Gasupht and the wealthy farmer Nigel Balbossa as everyone turned around shocked to see her

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landed next to Village Chief Gasupht and the wealthy farmer Nigel Balbossa as everyone turned around shocked to see her.

Selka: That's...

As Alice stood up, started walking towards them and looked towards her father. As they both looked at one another, he looked away and she looked down saddened but spoke up.

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