Chapter 60 A Journey's Beginning...

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(A/N) Alright, I have come to the decision that I will be taking down the Wolf's Apprentice EX story. This is due to it not really including Nhazul all that much as a whole. So I will be compacting it into an EX chapter at a later date, as to keep the established relationship between Nhazul and Lux. If you wish to see how it ends, read the "Girl Ops" Side story.

No one's POV

Currently, Nhazul is sitting in the computer lab in the school along with Kazuto, along with Keita and Ducker. The four we're currently they're working on a shoulder mounted probe for Yuuki so she would be able to go to school with everyone.

Keita: If you make it like that, don't you think the gyro would be to sensitive?

Nhazul: Good point. Then how about we loosen this parameter, a bit, that should fix the visual tracking.

Ducker: But wouldn't it lag during sudden motions?

Nhazul: The learning program we're using in the optimizer should be able to keep up.

Kazuto: Then these should do for the default settings, I think.

Nhazul: Yuuki, can you hear me?

Yuuki: Yeah! Load and clear!

Kazuto: All right, I'm about to initialize the lens. When your vision is clear, let me know.

Yuuki: Roger that!

Kazuto then started to adjust the lens.

Yuuki: There!

Kazuto: Okay, I think we're done here.

Kazuto walked over and put the shoulder mount on Nhazul's shoulder and then the probe.

Kazuto: We put the stabilizers in, but try not to make sudden movements.

Nhazul: Right. Thanks for the help, guys.

Nhazul then looked down at the probe.

Nhazul: Ready to head out?

Yuuki: Yep, lead the way, big bro!

As Nhazul and Yuuki left the computer lab, they started making their way through the courtyard.

Yuuki: WOW! What a huge courtyard!

Nhazul: Sorry, Yuuki. I would show you around, but getting everything set up took a lot longer then we thought it would.

Yuuki: It's okay. I can't wait to watch the class, too.

Nhazul: Alright then, then we need to check in with the teacher first.

As Nhazul and Yuuki made their way to the Faculty Office, Nhazul heard Yuuki sigh.

Yuuki: ....

Nhazul: What's wrong?

Yuuki: I never liked the Faculty office...

Nhazul: Don't worry, I used to be the same way. But none of these teachers seem to act like teachers.


After checking in with the teacher, Nhazul and Yuuki made their way to class and once they walked in, Nhazul walked up to Asuna who sat next to him.

Nhazul: Yo, Asuna.

Yuuki: Hey!

Asuna: Hey, Nhazul, Yuuki. I see you and the others got everything working properly.

Nhazul: Yeah, it took us all morning though....

As the teacher walked into the room and started class, he asked Yuuki to read a part of the book they're reading which surprised, her, Nhzual, Asuna along with the whole class.

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