EX Chapter #9 Rematch

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No one's POV

2 Days after the Phantom Bullet Arc...

Within GGO, Sinon was standing in the middle of the main hub location [SBC Glocken] waiting for Nhazul to log on after she had asked him to meet her there.

Sinon's thoughts: He's sure taking his sweet time...

???: Sorry, I make you wait long?

Sinon looked back and saw Nhazul walking up to her.

Sinon: Nah, it's cool.

Nhazul: Alright...

Nhazul started looking at Sinon and she looked at him confused.

Sinon: What's up? Why're you staring at me?

Nhazul: It's just that you seem a lot better now.

Sinon crossed her arms and gave Nhazul a look.

Sinon: Are you going soft on me? I haven't been sick or anything.

Nhazul: That's not what I meant. You said you weren't going to log into GGO for awhile, so I was a little surprised when you asked to meet up here.

Sinon: You're not wrong. But the more I thought about it, the more I felt like logging in. I really missed the smell of gasoline and smoke.

Nhazul: ...-_-... I don't think liking the smell of smoke is healthy...

Sinon: Oh shut up, you...

Nhazul just rolled his eyes at Sinon, as she looked at him annoyed.

Sinon: Stop rolling your eyes at me.

Nhazul: Whatever, so what did you want to talk about?

Sinon: Well... I was wondering are you really going to convert back to ALO?

Nhazul just leaned on a railing.

Nhazul: Yeah. The Death Gun case is over, so my work here is done. Thanks to your help of course.

Sinon: Don't mention it, but I feel like you're wasting your talents.

Sinon then looked at away blushing a little bit, taking under her breath.

Sinon: Plus, I rather you stay...

Nhazul looked at Sinon confused.

Nhazul: Wasting my talents? What do you mean?

Sinon: Well, with your skill, you're pretty much a Top Player at this point. You're the real winner of the last BoB, too. If you keep at it, you'll become a legend...

Nhazul just chuckled.

Nhazul: I appreciate the praise, but I don't need another legend to add to my name... Besides, I couldn't have done it without you. Plus, if we fought in the end, you definitely beat me. I was a mess...

Sinon: Well no duh, you just got finished fighting Death Gun. You put all the danger on yourself.

Nhazul: Well you put yourself in just as much danger.

Sinon just looked at Nhazul annoyed and sighed.

Sinon: We're only known each other for a few days and I already know how annoying stubborn you are...

Nhazul: ...-_-...Believe me, you aren't the first person to say that...

Sinon: Anyway, you can't stop playing GGO. That's crazy... you quit and you'll be breaking your contract with me?

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