Chapter 14 Attempted Recruitment

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(A/N) Short Chapter

No one's POV

Currently within a forest area within Floor 3, a hooded player was leaping from tree to tree, chasing after Goat monsters, named [Big Horned Billy Goats].

Using the Weapon skill, [Blade Throwing], and the Sword skill «Single Shot», they quickly killed one of the goats

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Using the Weapon skill, [Blade Throwing], and the Sword skill «Single Shot», they quickly killed one of the goats. Startling the second,

it quickly attempted to run away, however it was quickly caught by their curved blade and killed

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it quickly attempted to run away, however it was quickly caught by their curved blade and killed.

???: ...

???: Long time, no talk, Mito.

Hearing the voice, the hooded player revealed to be Mito turned around to see Philia walking up to her.

Mito: Philia? What are you doing here?

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Mito: Philia? What are you doing here?

Philia: An Info broker told me where you were, Mito. That you've been grinding up levels and farming materials. Which explains why I haven't seen you in any recent Boss raids.

Mito: Must be one heck of an info broker.

As Philia walked up to Mito, she began speaking up.

Philia: The last time we actually talked was on the Floor One Boss raid. Since then, we haven't spoken once.

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