Chapter 114 Rays Of Hope...

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No one's POV

As everyone from both sides continued to look completely shocked from the appearance of the Red Knights,

As everyone from both sides continued to look completely shocked from the appearance of the Red Knights,

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they all started to attack the Dark Knights and Pugilists.

Bercouli: Who is that group of soldiers?

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Bercouli: Who is that group of soldiers?

As Sinon heard the Red Knights start to talk, she couldn't understand them and then she realized it.

Sinon: Wait...those are!

As Sinon then raised up her bow, she charged up a large shot and fired it into the air, as it split into multiple arrows, raining down in between both sides, creating a massive explosion, killing multiple of the Red Knights and created another gab, cutting them off.

As Sinon went to shot off another shot, her bow string started to flicker, as Alice walked up to her, putting her hand on her arm, as she lowered it.

Sinon: Alice?

Alice: Don't overdo it, Sinon. Leave the rest to us, Integrity Knights.

Sinon: But those Red Knights are from the real world. Enemies who came from my world.

Alice: Even so, if they're merely a bloodthirsty lot, haphazardly flailing their swords, there's nothing to fear even if there are thousands of them.

Bercouli: Exactly! How about sharing a little bit of the glory?

As Sinon looked back at everyone, she soon nodded.

Sinon: Thank you. Everyone.

As Bercouli drew and raised their sword, he began to give his orders.

Bercouli: All troops, from a phalanx! We're going for a single point break through!

Back with Iskahn, as he was watching the Red Knights kill the Pugilist, he gritted his teeth, frustrated, clinching his fist, to the point they started to bleed. As he did, his right eye started to glow even more and the [System Alert: Code 871] appeared in his eye.

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