EX Chapter #16 The Absolute Blade Vs The Dual Bladed Wolf

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(A/N) EX Chapter #15 The Wolf's Apprentice will be released at a later date. Characters Lux and Gwen were introduced in it.

No one's POV

Currently, within Kirito and Asuna's house within Floor 22 of New Aincrad, Nhazul was sitting on the couch reading a book. With him Yuuki was laying her head on his lap, while Sinon and Silica were on the opposite couches, as Sinon was helping Sllica with her homework.

Yuuki: Big bro...I'm thirsty....

Yuuki demanded, exerting the minimal effort required to tilt her head to look up at Nhazul.

Nhazul: Huh?

Sinon: While you are at it, I'll have some Barley Tea.

Sinon delightfully stretched her arms high above her head while arching her back and tail, letting out a heartfelt yawn, making Nhazul look at her annoyed.

Nhazul: ...-_-...Huh?

Silica: Ah, if it isn't too much trouble, can I have mine chilled...

Nhazul just looked at the three of them annoyed, before sighing before getting up, making Yuuki's head fall and hit the couch.

Nhazul: ...-_-... I'm sorry, what am I, your maid ?

Sinon: No, but just be a good doggie and get our drinks.

Hearing this, Nhazul just gave Sinon an even more annoyed look.

Sinon: Oh, I'm just kidding.

Nhazul: I doubt it.

As Nhazul made his way to the kitchen, in response to their smooth victory Silica and Sinon donned victorious smiles, while Yuuki lifted her left fist forming a "V" with her index and middle finger. Returning with drinks and snacks, Nhazul turned to Silica as he set down a plate of hand-made cookies that Asuna had made and told to help themselves.

Nhazul: So, how's the homework? With Sinon helping, you shouldn't have too hard of a time understanding the text, right?

Silica: That is true, but she won't ever tell me what the correct translation is!

Sinon: There is no point in me helping you if I just straight out tell you the correct answer Silica.

Nhazul: ...-_-... I'll remember that next time I help you with your science homework.

Sinon just looked at Nhazul annoyed, as Silica spoke up.

Silica: See! Help me out too Nhazul!

Silica begged teary eyed as Nhazul sighed and sat down.

Nhazul: Alright, alright. Take this passage for example. We just did something similar in the last text.

As Nhazul proceeded to help Silica with her homework, Yuuki looked at Nhazul before speaking up.

Yuuki: By the way big bro.

Nhazul: Hmm?

Yuuki: I asked Asuna this before as well, and she kept telling me that I should ask you myself but... Why is that you never dual wield?

Hearing this, Nhazul would hesitate a bit answering.

Nhazul: Ah... I-...

Their interests peeked, the two Cait Siths chimed in on the conversation.

Sinon: Now that you mention it, I've only seen you dual wield once for the Master Sword quest. I don't think a gun counts as a second sword after all.

Silica: And I actually never saw him use it in Aincrad...

The Wolf Of SAO (Sword Art Online Anime x OC/male reader insert) Where stories live. Discover now