Chapter 24 The Wizard Of SAO

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No one's POV

The Next Day...

It's been a days since Nhazul and Asuna had saved Kirito from death, and Nhazul had been informed that Kirito and Asuna had decided to get married in game. That afternoon on the new couple travelled to the 22nd Floor, along with Nhazul to find a log house that Kirito had found for sale a year and a half ago, hidden in the forests of the 22nd Floor.

As the three exited the teleport gate at the main town, [Coral Village], and as they walked towards the large lake to the southwest, Kirito casually asked Asuna a question.

Kirito: Hey, how long has it been since you joined the KoB, Asuna?

Asuna: Let's see... I think the Commander invited me in February last year, so... it would be close to a year and a half, I guess. It was right after the boss battle on the 25th Floor ended, so...

Kirito: I see... The KoB was made right after half of the Force got annihilated, wasn't it?

Nhazul: Yeah, the [Aincrad Liberation Squad]. But anyway, why exactly am I here? Isn't this technically your honeymoon?

Kirito: I mean, we aren't married yet. We're technically still engaged.

Kirito said, as the three walked on the lake's bank, he glanced over to Asuna and saw her blushing, making him smile, however Nhazul continued speaking up.

Nhazul: That still doesn't tell me why I'm here.

Kirito: Well, since you weren't busy, I figured you'd want to see the house too. Also, I never got a chance to thank you for yesterday. You left before I could say anything.

Nhazul just gave a small smile.

Nhazul: Don't mention it.

As the three continued on, after going about halfway round a large lake, with a diameter of likely one kilometer, noticeably imposing Japanese cedar, or at least, coniferous trees that looked like them, were sprouting up high. When stared at closely from somewhere near those grand roots, the wide path of the lake shore could be seen splitting into a thin, narrow path heading southwest.

Asuna: You found this path? You sure are just as observant of these sorts of hidden routes as always.

Kirito: Back then, I didn't even have [Detection] mob from the [Searching] skill, so I found it with only my eyes and instincts. You can see the house right after climbing that hill.

Hearing this, Asuna's face beamed with joy in an instant as well, this time.

Asuna: I wonder what's the house like, I'm really looking forward to it! Let's hurry!

Kirito: Hey, Asuna, it's really a log house with nothing unusual, so even if you anticipate it that much, nothing will...

Asuna: Well, it has always been my dream to live in a log house ever since I was small. I would be totally, completely and absolutely satisfied if it just has a Russian stove and a rocking chair!

Nhazul: You sure are excited.

Asuna: How can I not?!

Asuna quickly climbed the hill as she spoke, making Nhazul and Kirito chase after her in a hurry. As the two ascended the hill several seconds after Asuna. They moved beside her, who was standing still in silence, as it wasn't there.Not the chimney, not anything.

What spanned out before their eyes was a round space covered in verdant undergrowth, without even a single man-made object of any sort... in other words, the house itself did not exist.

The Wolf Of SAO (Sword Art Online Anime x OC/male reader insert) Where stories live. Discover now