EX Chapter #11 A Spot Of Sunshine In The Winter

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No one's POV

December 31st 2025...

Currently within Floor 22 of New Aincrad, Silica had spawned in in front of Kirito and Asuna's house. It appears to be early in the afternoon in the abode of the fairies, with plentiful warm sunlight beaming down upon the garden's lawn.

Shortly after Silica's dive, a light blue glimmer appeared in the space right beside her which coalesced, before changing into the shape of a small dragon, revealing it's to be Pina.

Silica: Here, Pina...

The moment Silica reached out with her two hands, Pina dove into her arms after letting out a single coo.

Pina: kururu!

Silica feeling saddened would tightly hugged Pina's fluffy body, as she started licking her right cheek with its tiny tongue. Pina, with an AI at the level of familiars, or in other words, «tamed monsters», was not terribly smart, but at times, it reacted as though it could read Silica's mind. This was one such time.

Pina: kuru... ruru...

Silica: Thank you, I'm alright now. I'm fine now, after meeting you, Pina...

While whispering that, she placed Pina who was unexpectedly light for its size onto her head. Its feathery wings tickled those cat ears unique to the race of Cait Sith and its long tail wrapped around her neck, much like a muffler.

Upon walking up to the door, Silica gently pulled it open, as she headed in.

Silica: Good afternoon...

As expected, there was no reply. She could open up the Friend List from her Main Menu to check on their login status, but she could believe that there wouldn't be anyone here without needing to resort to that. After all, it was New Year's Eve...

However, just in case, Silica minded her manners and said her greetings for intruding before she entered. Closing the door, she headed for the main room on the left side of the hallway.

The moment she stepped into the living room, Pina slowly flew off from her head. The reasons for a familiar to leave its master without orders should be either due to detecting monsters closing in, or having its intimacy value drop from not being fed enough and changing to a defiant status; that said, there was a possible third reason when considering this room in this house.

Walking towards Pina went, Silica would be met with Nhazul, who was currently asleep laying on the couch. Pina, who had flown off Silica's head, circled once above Nhazul before it landed near his stomach. Folding its wings, it coiled up its head and tail before finally falling asleep, making her sigh.

Silica: Geez, Pina....

After muttering under her breath, Silica continued to stand as she gazed at the sleeping poses of that person and that animal. Her beating heart gently slowing down from the somewhat quick rate it had been and a calm tranquility soon spread within Silica as well. For a short while. Silica looked around her, seeing if Kirito or Asuna were around, but she could find no traces of other players. Cait Sith were the race bestowed with the highest level of perception ability among the nine races, so she should know if there was anyone else in the house.

Having decided that, Silica was still at a loss for several seconds before sitting on the edge of the couch where Nhazul was asleep at. She would soon turn and stare hard at the profile of the sleeping Nhazul's face right in front of her.

Silica: ...

In mere seconds, Silica could feel her eyelids weighing down as well, feeling infected by sleep, due to Nhazul and Pina, but forced herself to stay awake. Silica had the [Automatically Disconnect When Asleep Function] set to 15 minutes, so if she fell asleep she would soon be logged out. As she would continue to look at Nhazul, she would think back to her time within SAO, how She had lost Pina, and even nearly her own life. It had been like a candle flickering in the wind when Silica was saved by Nhazul.

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