(Alicization Arc Finale) Chapter 129 The New Age

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No one's POV

Upon diving back into the Underworld, Nhazul opened his eyes, and saw he was wearing outfit from SAO as well as having the [Night Sky Sword] and [Blue Rose Sword] on his back. Once he saw his surroundings, he noticed he was in the sky, with his feet touching nothing but a sea of stars that extended to infinity. And as he looked all around and above him to see nothing but stars.

Nhazul: What the hell?!

Sinon: Eeyaahhh?!

Alice: Wha... What is...?!

Nhazul had looked back and saw both Sinon and Alice floating behind him. Sinon was wearing her Solus armor and Alice her Integrity Knight armor.

???: W-Where am I...?

The three of them looked back and saw a girl with long brown hair, wearing what looked like a Integrity Knight armor, as well as a long sword striped to her hip facing away from them. Once she had turned to look at the three of them, she instantly recognized them and Nhazul recognized her.

Nhazul: Wait

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Nhazul: Wait....Ronye? Is that you? And you became an Integrity Knight?!

The girl now known as Ronye looked at Nhazul with tears in her eyes and quickly flew over, hugging him tightly.

Ronye: Senpai! Senpai! You kept your promise!

Nhazul then hugged Ronye back and rubbed her head, smiling.

Nhazul: It's good to see you again, Ronye. Despite not really knowing what my promise was...

Ronye: I missed you... I missed you so much...

After Nhazul and Ronye broke their hug, everyone returned their attention back to where they were.

Ronye: Senpai, Why are we-

As Ronye went to say say something, she quickly stopped herself, as if not to reveal something.

Ronye: Where are we...?

Nhazul: That's a good question... Just from the looks of it, we're in space...

As everyone started looking around, Alice looked back, with her eyes widening.

Alice: Nhazul...Look there...

Everyone looked over and other then Ronye looked completely and utterly shocked to see a entire planet behind them.

Sinon: What is that?

Nhazul looked and saw there was a cluster of white light in the upper right region of the landscape. An even greater mass of light presented in the upper left as well.

It was evidently the light of civilization. Upon closer inspection, he spotted many bands of light linking the two clusters and continuing to proliferate downwards in the shape of a web.

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