Chapter 78 The Human Soul

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No one's POV

Currently, both Nhazul and Shino were at Agil's bar, waiting for Asuna and Kazuto to arrive. As they were, Shino was looking up and down at Nhazul

Nhazul: What is it?

Shino: I hadn't really payed it any mind, but did you loss weight?

Nhazul: You think so? My parents said something too... But anyway, what did you want to ask me? You said something about it this morning, the BoB.

Shino: Yeah. There's a player named [Subtilizer] who won BoB 4. He also won the first one. And who also beat me and Kazuto as well.

Hearing this, Nhazul looked surprised.

Nhazul: He beat both of you? He must be really strong.

Shino: We were all so fired up, you know. About getting the chance to face the Legendary Subtilizer.

Nhazul: From what I could tell from the live feed, he's got a silent, matter of fact fighting style. It seemed similar to the vibe I was getting from yesterday.

Shino: Now that you mentioned it. The only difference is that Subtilizer's on a whole other level. It was the same with me too, but...he read my every move and forced me into extreme close combat. Even with the close combat techniques you taught me and my CQS style you help me develop, I was still no match for him... Kazuto told me he had a similar experience when he fought him. But since he's a close quarters type of player, so I thought surely he would have the upper hand, but he told me, he had disarmed him and killed him with his own Photon sword.

Nhazul: Whoa... He may have actually hand to hand training, if he did that.

Shino: On that note, which brings me to my request.

Shino then pointed at Nhazul with a finger gun.

Shino: The only other player who I could see having even the slightest chance at out maneuvering and beating Subtilizer is my lovely boyfriend. It may be early, but I'd like your help in the 5th one at the end of the year. Since you were to busy to go to that one, I want to come to this one. Whoever we're up against, we're definitely going to win the next one! Whatever it takes!

Nhazul: You make it sound like we're going to be in the Squad Jam again. But you can count me in. And also...

Nhazul then grabbed Shino's finger and smiled.

Nhazul: Looks like you're pretty much over it now.

Shino: It isn't like I'm not scared at all, but I'm getting better. Thanks to a certain someone.

Shino said, kissing Nhazul on the cheek. As he smiled at her, he again spoke up.

Nhazul: Anyway, how's "he" doing?

Shino: Oh.. Shinkawa is... Yeah, his condition's starting to stabilize. I'm planning to visit him again soon.

Nhazul: I see. That's good to hear. Does he know about, you know...?

Shino: Yeah. He asked me and I didn't want to lie to him...

Nhazul: How did you he take it.

Shino: Hurt... He was hurt at first, but in the end, he said he's happy for me. He also wouldn't stop apologizing for what happened. He feels horrible about it.

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