17. Candy Hearts and Jihyo

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| Wednesday, 8th February |

Valentine's Day was less than a week away and you knew that the holiday was going to be spent alone yet again. You stared at the computer monitor in front of you, trying to remember what you were looking for. Pulled up was an article that one of your coworkers had sent to you to edit. You'd read it at least three times by now but couldn't remember a single word. Despite it being winter still, the weather out was beautiful. All you wanted was to get out of work and spend the day walking outside. Sooner than you'd expect though, your wishes would come true. Just as you were getting ready to read through the article for a fourth time, you turned to see Dahyun standing by your desk with a folder and a cardboard tray with two iced coffees.

"오빠 (oppa, older brother). I brought you coffee and I'm here to save you from reading whatever's on your computer again for the millionth time!" Dahyun smiled and sat the tray of coffees down, handing you one along with the folder. You blushed a little, embarrassed that she had noticed how unfocused you'd been for the past hour or so. You took a sip of coffee before setting it down to look through the folder she handed you.

"What's this? Another job from President Park? Aaaah." You sighed and closed the folder, gently tossing it back on your desk. "I swear the work is never done." You picked your iced coffee back up and continued to drink it, waiting on some clarity from Dahyun as to what the folder was and why she had come to you with it.

"You didn't even read the instructions in the folder, y/n!" Dahyun rolled her eyes playfully and picked the folder back up, flipping to the page that you were supposed to pay attention to, pointing to one word in particular on it. "What does this say?"

You scanned through the sentence before reading the one word out loud. "밖으로 (Outside). Yeah so what?" Trying to understand what she was hinting at, you briefly looked over the page before Dahyun closed the folder again, exhausted by how long it was taking you to understand what she was trying to get through to you.

"Ya y/n, sometimes I don't know why you're in a supervisory position and I'm not. I pointed to 밖으로 (outside) because President Park wants you to take me outside and help me out with interviewing people for an article I'm supposed to write. We are a newspaper company ya know." Dahyun laughed as she said this, your face lighting up at the understanding. "I'm saving you from sitting inside. You get a break. I told President Park that it would be faster if you went with me to interview people about how they felt about this year's Valentine's Day. We only have an hour though so you have to hurry up!"

You shot up grabbed the jacket hanging off of your chair, quickly ushering Dahyun out of the office door and onto the elevator before anyone could stop you. "Thank you so much Dahyunie. You saved me from reading Mark's boring article about comfortable winter footwear again." You managed to chug the rest of your iced coffee by the time you left the building and felt refreshed the second the winter air hit your face outside.

It was so bright out and the cool air was just what you needed to recharge you. Winter was never your favorite season, but any time outside nowadays was much appreciated. Even if the break you had with Dahyun was only an hour, you were excited about it. You pulled out the small pad of paper and pen you had on you and started to walk around Seoul, looking for couples and single people to interview.

Dahyun was a pro at interviewing and you seemed to be the one who was her junior, not the other way around. "Wow y/n you're not too good at this. Maybe people are more willing to talk to me because I'm cuter." Dahyun turned to you and stuck her tongue out, teasing you once a third person in a row denied to be interviewed.

You groaned and flipped through the few pages that you had filled up. "How is it even possible that I only interviewed four people while you've already interviewed eight? We've already been out here for an hour!" Dahyun just gave you a pitiful smile and patted your back as you two made your way back into the office.

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