52. Baby Blue (2Yeon)

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Yoo Jeongyeon fully believes that Im Nayeon is blue. More specifically, she believes that Nayeon is baby blue.

Everything about the girl screams baby blue. Her bright attitude. Her playful smile. Her happy disposition. Her ability to calm Jeongyeon down when she's so mad she thinks her head's going to explode.

Even though Nayeon has been annoying Jeongyeon since middle school when they met during lunch one day, Jeongyeon wouldn't pick anyone else to be her best friend.

'Best friend'. Jeongyeon thinks that isn't what she would like to call Nayeon, but there isn't anything else she could call her. Ever since they were kids in middle school, Jeongyeon has considered Nayeon her closest friend. They would always go to each other's houses to study, they would shop together, drink together, and at this point in their young adult lives, they'd been on several vacations together.

Right now, in fact, Jeongyeon was sitting outside a small café in Paris. Nayeon wanted to do something fun for her birthday and Jeongyeon jokingly suggested an international trip. Nayeon didn't pick up on her best friend's sarcasm, so here they are sipping on espressos and people watching in one of the most romantic cities in the world.

More specifically, Jeongyeon is doing 'Nayeon watching' in one of the most romantic cities in the world. She's thinking about how the sky matches Nayeon's baby blue. How her shoulder length black hair perfectly frames her face and how her glasses rest perfectly on her nose. She's thinking about the little bit of foam from Nayeon's espresso that rests just above her lip once she takes her first sip.

"You've got a little something there." Jeongyeon lets out a small laugh and points right above her own lip. Nayeon thanks her and wipes the espresso foam with her thumb, wiping it on the napkin sitting under the saucer.

"So," Nayeon yawns out, "where do you want to go after we finish breakfast?"

Jeongyeon hears Nayeon's question, but she's too focused on the way she runs her hand through her soft and slightly messy hair. She hears Nayeon's question but she's too focused on what she suddenly wants to call Nayeon that isn't 'best friend'.

"Hello? Earth to Jeong." Nayeon waves her hand in front of Jeongyeon's face, snapping her out of the trance she's in. "Am I going to have to pick what we do today again, or are you going to tell me what you found yesterday for us to do?"

Jeongyeon just silently nods her head and pulls her phone out, scrolling through the endless recommendations of places to go and things to do that her coworkers sent her. She finally stops, her thumb hovering over an art museum. She clicks on the link and pulls up the site, turning her phone around to show it to Nayeon.

"Hmmm the Musée Marmottan Monet. I like Monet and I think he's one of Chaeng's favorite painters." Nayeon scrolls through a few of the featured pieces on the museum's website, making note to take plenty of pictures for their friend back home.

Jeongyeon's arm is getting a little tired from holding the phone up, but she doesn't mind. She'd hold her phone for Nayeon to scroll through all day if that's what the girl really wanted.

"Okay! Let's go see Monet!" Nayeon flashes Jeongyeon a bright smile and gets up, downing the rest of her espresso in one gulp. She holds her hand out for Jeongyeon who quickly finishes her espresso, intertwining their fingers.

Holding hands with Nayeon isn't something foreign to Jeongyeon, but lately it had felt different somehow. Nayeon's hands started to feel softer. She thought they fit perfectly with her own.


Jeongyeon doesn't realize how many paintings Monet created as she walks through the seemingly endless rooms. There are other artists' paintings and creations hung up as well. Each room is like a library, telling a different story through each painting. She's roaming through a red room and spots a painting by Alfred Sisley. She looks at it for a while, taking in every brush stroke and every tiny color painstakingly painted onto the canvas before reading the small description on the white plaque to the right of it.

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