2. First Date with Dahyun

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   You walked over to Twice's apartment to pick Dahyun up for your first date. Since you only lived a block away, it didn't take you too long to get there. You buzzed their number and waited for the doors to open. You walked up the stairs and knocked on their door. When someone came running to the door, you smiled. "She'll be ready in five minutes." Jihyo smiled proudly and motioned for you to come inside and wait. "I can't believe you're going on your first date with our little dubu!" Nayeon walked in and giggled, sitting down in front of you.

The rest of the members walked in and crowded around you on the couch, asking many questions. "Where are you going?" "Are you going to dinner?" "Are you going to watch a movie?" You laughed and held up a hand to slow them down. "I'm taking her for dinner and then we're just going to walk around for a little while. Don't worry. She'll be safe with me. I promise." You smiled and answered their questions one at a time. You'd been around them enough to know that they were very energetic and cared a lot about every one of their members.

When Dahyun walked in, you immediately got up. Your mouth hung open a little in shock. She looked beautiful. She was wearing a white skirt, a pair of white Converse, a black and white striped shirt, her hair was tied up, and she only had a little makeup on. She was always the most beautiful to you when she only had a little or no makeup on. Chaeyoung came up beside you and pretended to close your mouth which was still open. "Do I look okay? I feel like I'm wearing too little makeup. Maybe I should p-" Before Dahyun could finish her sentence, you walked up to her and took hold of her hand. "You look absolutely beautiful. I wouldn't change a thing." This earned oohs and ahhs from the crowd behind you. Dahyun blushed softly and playfully rolled her eyes. "Thank you. You look amazing too." You smiled and nodded. "Thank you. Are you ready to go?" She nodded her head and you two headed for the door. "Good luck! Don't hurt her or lose her! If you break her heart I'll break yours!" You heard these shouts from all the members as you left the room. You laughed a little nervously and laced your fingers with hers. You walked outside and headed towards the restaurant you picked out. "Don't worry about them. They won't hurt you. Well, maybe Jihyo, but I promise nothing bad will happen." She squeezed your hand reassuringly and continued walking. "What's your favorite dessert?" You glanced over at her and smiled. "I love chocolate. I think it's actually my favorite food." She giggled and looked up at you. "That's not really a food but okay." You said laughing softly.

"We're here." It was about a ten minute walk and you were finally at the restaurant. It had bright lights and an outdoor eating area that was lit up too. "Wow. That only took about ten minutes." She began walking into the restaurant and before she got to the door, you opened it for her. She shook her head softly and smiled. "Thank you." You simply nodded your head and walked in behind her. "Do you have a reservation?" The man at the front asked you and you gave him your last name. When he found your name, he led you outside to a table in the corner. You sat down and he gave you your menus. "Tonight the special is a braised pork loin with a honey glaze." You thanked him and opened your menu. "What are you getting?" Dahyun asked you and you looked up. "I think I'm getting the special. It sounds really good." You closed your menu and placed it to the side. "I'll probably get the same thing." She smiled and looked up at you, taking a sip of her water. "I'm so glad that the dating ban has finally been lifted." She looked a bit confused and asked, "Why is that?" You laughed softly and looked at her with a warm smile. "I have been wanting to see you since forever. I loved hanging out with you but I really wanted to do something special. When JYP lifted the ban, I knew I could finally express how I felt." Dahyun looked down and blushed, hiding her face. "Aish. You're too much."

When you finished your dinner, you went outside and walked around a little. The city was still awake but you could see a few stars in the sky. The one star you paid attention to though was right beside you. Dahyun looked up and smiled so brightly you just had to take a picture. You snuck your phone out of your jacket pocket and quickly snapped a picture of her. "Yah!" She playfully yelled and tried to grab your phone. "Don't take pictures! I look ugly." She stopped and crossed her arms, pouting like a little kid. You rolled your eyes a little and wrapped an arm around her, kissing her forehead softly. "You are far from ugly. You are so much more beautiful than you think. I promise. You shine so much brighter than any of those stars up there." When you said this, she looked up at you and wrapped her arms around you. "This was the best first date in the whole world. Thank you so much." She leaned up and kissed your cheek, looking up at you. "I love you."

Dahyun would be such a cute girlfriend I swear. She's so amazing. Thank you all for loving all my works! I love you so much!
(P.S. You're worth it!)

(Originally published: June 29, 2016 || Checked for grammar: December 2023)

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