6. Spending a Lazy Day With Jihyo

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   The bright glow of the sun slowly filters through the thin blinds in your room as you start to wake up. Your large apartment is completely silent except the sound of some birds chirping. You open your eyes and yawn, looking beside you to see Jihyo still peacefully sleeping. You roll over on your side, leaning forward to kiss her small nose. "Baby wake up," you whisper and move a piece of hair behind her ear, "It's morning time." She takes a few seconds to open her eyes but when she does you can't help but gaze into them; they're such a beautiful brown. "Did you sleep well?" She asks you with a still sleepy voice. You nod your head and kiss her nose again. "I did. I woke up once because of the rain but other than that i slept very well. Did you?" She smiled with her eyes closed and gave a happy sigh. "I slept a lot and I just want to lay in bed all day with you since it's my rest day today." You laugh and sit up in the bed, getting ready to move. "Do you want anything for breakf-" She stops you and holds onto your arm, pouting. "I don't want you to leave." You move back towards her and look at her puppy eyes. "How about we go make pancakes together? I'll make your favorites." To this she thought a moment and smiled. "Okay but only if you make my favorites."

   After using the restroom you wash your hands and walk out of your room. Jihyo is already getting the ingredients together for you two to make pancakes. Very quietly you sneak up behind her and wrap your arms around her waist. "Ya!" She jumps a little bit and smacks your arm, pretending to be irritated. "I'm sorry. You just looked so cute getting everything together." She turned around with her arms crossed and a frown on her face. "Now don't be mad at me." You smile and lightly kiss her, pulling away a second after. This quickly washed away the frown and she smiled, pulling you in for another kiss that was a little deeper this time.

You pulled away to catch your breath and smiled at her leaning over to get a handful of flour. "Baby?" You asked her, a smirk spreading across your face. "Y-" Before she could even say anything you leaned back and threw flour in her face. "She stood there, trying to wipe it off while you were on the floor laughing. "Ya! Y/N! This isn't fair! I'm gonna get you!" You watched as she picked up a bigger handful of flour. You started to get up and run, ducking behind a chair in the kitchen. "Y/N stop hiding and let me get you it's not fair!" You jumped up just before she threw the flour and ran to the bag, getting a handful yourself. You threw it as she was running towards you. Before you could celebrate getting a perfect shot she threw a bowl of it in your face. "Where the hell did you get that?!" You laughed and shook the mess of flour from your hair. "I had it ready earlier just in case you did something like this." She smiled at you and set the bowl down. "Well I guess we're even now right?" You take a cautious step back as she nods. "I'm hungry. Let's make these pancakes."

"Could you hand me one banana and a handful of chocolate chips? Jihyo is stirring the pancake mix and pours it in the pan. As she pours it you hand her a cut up banana and sprinkle some chocolate chips into one of the pancakes. Flour was everywhere but you didn't care. Cooking was usually mess for you two. You stood beside her and watched her carefully place the pieces of banana into each pancake. As the sides browned you flipped them over and let the other side cook, getting two plates ready. "One plate please." You hand her a plate and she flips two pancakes onto them and then two more onto the other. You turn the griddle off and get two forks out of the drawer. "Do you want syrup?" You ask her as you get the butter out of the fridge. She nods and sets your plates down on the table. Closing the fridge, you take the butter and the syrup over and grab a knife from the counter.

"Do you think these will be better than the last ones we made?" You shrug your shoulders and smile, cutting a piece of the pancake off. "We'll have to see." As you take a bite of the pancake you make a weird face, slowly chewing it. Jihyo looks worried when you don't say anything. "Is it bad? Did we use too much flour?" You finish the bite and sigh saying in a solemn voice, "Jihyo... those are the... best pancakes I've ever had." She lets out a deep breath and rolls her eyes, punching you in the arm. "I thought they were going to be bad! I was worried!" She took a bite of them and smiled, giving you a thumbs up. "They really are the best pancakes I've ever had though." You say this with your mouth a little full. She laughs and nods her head and says, "They're the best because we made them together." You hold her free hand and kiss it, looking up at her. "I love you so much and I'm so glad that you enjoyed our pancakes."

Wow. I'm so sorry I haven't updated anything in such a long time. I've been way busier than I've expected and I have had to do a lot of work for my AP classes. I do have free time now though so I'll be updating everything. I love you guys so so so much and I hope you enjoy this little on-shot :)
(P.S. You're worth it!)

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