37. The Strongest Maknae (3)

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A sleepless night passed for the Twice girls as their world had been flipped upside down. Jihyo got to her apartment and flopped down in bed, closing her eyes and only sleeping for two hours before she was awakened by a nightmare. She was on stage with Tzuyu and the rest of the girls when the youngest suddenly passed out and didn't wake up on stage. Jihyo tried to go back to sleep after this, but ended up crying for another hour and then staring at her ceiling until the sun came up.

As soon as they could, a few of the members were back at the hospital. Jeongyeon, Mina, Jihyo, and Dahyun were free that day so they took their turns to sit in Tzuyu's room, telling her about how much they missed her and couldn't wait to her beautiful, shining eyes when she finally woke up.

The days went on like this, the routine the same as each member eventually visited Tzuyu at least once. Jihyo ended up clearing her schedule each day so she could sit with the girl. It had been almost five days and she was growing more and more concerned with each passing day. "Sana and I went to get coffee yesterday and she spilled most of it on herself." Jihyo let out a small laugh as she pulled out her phone. She instinctively motioned to show it to Tzuyu before she stopped herself, remembering that she wasn't awake to see anything.

Jihyo still felt a little off talking to Tzuyu when she wasn't sure the girl could hear her, but the doctor had said that it was good for coma patients to have loved ones talk to them and tell them their day to day activities. "I don't know if you can really hear me in there, Tzu but I want you to know that we love you. We really miss you and we want to see you again. It's been hard not seeing you bright face every day and teasing Dahyun with you." Jihyo gave her a weak smile and sighed heavily.

The two existed in silence for a half hour, Jihyo just staring at Tzuyu's sleeping figure, almost trying to will the girl to wake up. She should have been resting or with the other members to distract herself but there was this nagging feeling inside that wouldn't let her step away from the sleeping girl. She settled on looking at her phone for a while, holding Tzuyu's hand.

By the time that visiting hours were almost over, Jihyo was fast asleep. Her head was rested on the edge of Tzuyu's hospital bed, her hand still holding onto the other's. She was startled awake when she felt a nurse gently shaking her, giving her a five minute warning. She thanked the nurse and wiped the sleep out of her eyes, looking up at Tzuyu. It was getting dark out and she was sure the members were a bit concerned. They knew she was at the hospital, but that didn't mean they weren't concerned about her feelings. She looked at her phone and noticed she missed a few calls from Nayeon and Chaeyoung.

"I guess I should leave before they kick me out." Jihyo laughed lightly and laid a gentle kiss on Tzuyu's hand. She stood up and stretched, putting her jacket on before she made her way to the door. Just as she was about to close it, she swore she heard the smallest noise from Tzuyu. Was it really her? Nah it couldn't be. Before she had time to second guess herself, she heard the same noise again. "Okay there's no way that was me and no one is around me right now." Jihyo said this to herself and crept back into the room, kneeling by Tzuyu's bed. She waited for a second to see if she really was going crazy or if she heard what she thought.

"어-언니 (eonnie,unnie)." It was strained and deathly quiet, but Tzuyu did say it. Jihyo's eyes were wide open and she couldn't help the tears that immediately poured from her eyes. She quickly got up from where she was sitting and called for the nurse.


While it wasn't a quick recovery, Tzuyu was awake and talking to the girls the next day. She was still a little loopy from being out for the past five days and the medicine she was taking, but she was awake. "You scared the shit out of me at first when you woke up." Jihyo laughed and took a seat on Sana's lap who was seated beside Mina.

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