43. Everything You Are (Sana)

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Anyone who knew you knew that you weren't the most outgoing person. You weren't the most talkative. You weren't the most sociable. You certainly weren't the most affectionate. In your small friend group all throughout high school, you were the least of any of those things. You didn't mean to be so antisocial. You just enjoyed keeping to yourself and the few people that you enjoyed hanging out with on the weekends and during the week in a study group.

When you went off to college, your friends from home were sure you were going to end up being a hermit in your first year dorm.

"I bet Y/N will make friends with the professors before he makes friends with any of the students."

"I bet Y/N will talk to the bus driver more than his classmates."

"I bet Y/N will stay in the library most of the day."

These were the comments that were swirling around in your head as you sat in the front of an empty classroom, years later. Your main building had several classrooms and after a certain time, they weren't usually occupied. You used this as an opportunity to have a giant blackboard and a quiet room all to yourself. The last round of finals for your junior year were just around the corner and you were busting your ass to get study time in.

As you scribbled an equation on the board with a stubby piece of chalk, you heard the door creak open. You turned your head and saw a short girl with ash blonde hair. She poked her head in and took a few steps forward, only stopping when she saw you.

"Oh I'm sorry. I thought this room was empty. I usually come here to study." She let out a small laugh and turned around to find an empty room, not wanting to disrupt you.

Within a matter of a few seconds, you made a choice to stop the girl. Within a matter of a few seconds, you made a choice that your friends from back home would never believe. You set the piece of chalk down in the tray and wiped your hand on your pants, clearing your throat and calling out to the girl. "Uh you can stay. It's fine. I don't mind sharing." You awkwardly scratched the back of your neck, hoping deep down that she'd turn around and stay.

She paused when she heard your voice and turned her head, thinking for a moment. She could either find another room and study alone or she could study with you and make a new friend. She decided on the latter and within a few minutes, she had all her study materials laid out on two desks that she pushed together. Once she was situated, she got up and stuck her hand out. "I'm Minatozaki Sana."

Normally you weren't one to be so flustered by a girl. But this girl made your head spin. You shook the girls hand and barely choked out your name and a weirdly polite greeting. You mentally smacked yourself and turned around, picking the small piece of chalk again. A math equation would save you from the embarrassment you just caused yourself. You finished writing the equation you had started earlier and looked down at the textbook for the class. "Shit." You muttered this to yourself and erased the end of the equation, putting the correct pieces in.

"Working on math for particle physics?" Sana stepped up beside you and picked up a blue piece of chalk, mirroring the equation you had written. She looked at yours and then hers before scribbling an answer under hers. She proudly smiled at it and took a step back, looking down at your textbook.

"Yeah. H-how did you know?" You stuttered. Really? You were never the kind of person who stuttered. What the hell was happening to you?

Sana just shrugged her shoulders and looked up at you with a blindingly bright smile. "I took it last semester. Professor Yoon was really good. It didn't make the class any easier but he explained everything really well."

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