29. Falling in Love with Chaeyoung at a Fansign (4)

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After your date with Chaeyoung, you weren't able to see her for a few weeks. She had a busy schedule due to their comeback and getting ready for Twice's Fifth World Tour. Thankfully though, she was able to text you whenever she had breaks. You two had been texting almost non-stop, most of the time about nothing important. Haneul asked every day for updates on what she called your "relationship with one of the most amazing people on the planet". Whenever she'd ask you'd just roll your eyes and tell her the same thing:

"We're just friends. Just because we got dinner one time together doesn't mean we're dating."

Whenever the Twice members finally had a few days to relax before their tour started, the only thing on Chaeyoung's mind was going out with you again. She had been talking about you every second she could and it was starting to get slightly annoying with the members.

"I'm telling you, Jihyo, they're so funny!" Chaeyoung was referring to a meme of Jihyo you had sent her earlier that morning. Jihyo playfully glared at Chaeyoung and shook her head.

"If y/n is sending you those kinds of pictures of me, I'm sure they're the funniest person on this planet." Jihyo said this, her voice laced with sarcasm.

Chaeyoung just shrugged her off and laid down on the floor of one of the practice rooms, staring at her phone. She wanted to ask you out again but she wasn't sure what she wanted to do with you. Yes dinner was fun, but she wanted to do something special. She'd only known you for a few weeks but there was just something about you that drew her in.

(Twice) Son Chaeyoung: hey, y/n i hope you're ready for a fun day tomorrow! me. you. Lotte World. i can't drive so manager 언니 (unnie) will drive us there. we'll be at your apartment at 9:00 am to pick you up! you better have your schedule cleared too or i'll be really sad ㅠㅠ

You read the text Chaeyoung sent and smiled down at your phone, sending her a quick response back.

Y/N ⭐️: you know i'll be there! i'll see you tomorrow son chaeyoung-ie! :)

   Even though you were sure your feelings for Chaeyoung were more than platonic, you were unsure of her feelings for you. You spoke casually with her but you just assumed that's how she spoke with everyone who was her friend. You were worried that you were in too deep, but you didn't really want anything to change.

   The next day came by painfully slowly and you were up and ready to go by 8:00 am. It was way too early for Chaeyoung and her manager to pick you up so you ended up going on a walk to waste some time. Summer was coming in beautifully and the warm weather made you feel so much better.

   On your walk you passed by a bakery. You looked through the window and spotted a little piece of strawberry cake, reminding you of Chaeyoung. You smiled and walked in, getting the piece of cake for Chaeyoung, a blueberry muffin for yourself, and a chocolate croissant for her manager. You didn't want her to feel left out.

   By the time you got back to your apartment, it was 8:50. You quickly went back up to get a bag and sunglasses and waited outside. You saw the black SUV pull into the parking lot and smiled, goofily waving your arms around to signal to Chaeyoung's manager where you were.

   Chaeyoung poked her head and hand out, waving to you. She got out of the car and opened the door for you, causing you to blush a bit. Even though it was such a small act, it was things like this that made you fall for her more and more.

   "I'm excited to see you again! Also, I brought a little treat for you and manager 언니." Chaeyoung looked at you with excitement as you said this, watching as you carefully pulled her piece of strawberry cake and the manager's chocolate croissant out of the bag. The manager thanked you and Caheyoung's mouth dropped open. "Uh i-is it okay? I can always give you the blueberry muffin if you want it."

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