46. Sparks (Tzuyu)

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But I promise you this
I'll always look out for you
Yeah, that's what I'll do

My heart is yours
It's you that I hold on to
Yeah, that's what I do


10 years. How would one write a letter to someone they've known for 10 years? Someone they've been in love with. Someone who is their best friend. Someone they could never live without? You sat at your desk, a blank piece of lined paper in front of you and a brand new pen in your hand. You had been staring at the piece of paper for the past 20 minutes, unable to even begin to think about what you wanted to write. The past 10 years with Tzuyu had flown by. It was surreal in a way and you still couldn't believe that you had been married for five of them.

You tapped your pen against the paper, glancing up at the slow moving clock. It was only 2:40pm. You still had a few hours left for work and you didn't want to waste anymore time writing this letter to Tzuyu. But it was hard. Condensing 10 years of love and happiness into one small piece of paper seemed impossible. Despite having written nothing, you decided to take a five second break. You spun your chair around and looked out of the window. It was almost April and nearly all the leaves had grown back on the trees. It looked warm and sunny out even though you knew it was still chilly. You sighed and watched as the people outside went about their everyday lives. It made you wonder what they did day in and day out. The longer you stared, the more you thought about the letter. The more you thought about the letter, the more ideas you got.

You quickly spun your chair back around and scooted it up against your desk, picking the pen back up. Maybe people watching does inspire you. Before you wrote down any final thoughts on the paper, you pulled out a sticky note and wrote down the few ideas floating around in your head. It didn't need to be perfect since you were giving it to Tzuyu, but at the same time it did have to be perfect. You were giving it to Tzuyu. Your love. Your soulmate. Your heart.


"Hey Y/N can you grab this box for me?" Jihyo was standing on her tip toes and reaching for a box that was just out of her grasp. You watched as she struggled a bit before easily getting it down for her. You smirked and laughed as she just rolled her eyes and mumbled a thank you under her breath.

"What's in the box?" You leaned against Jihyo's desk in her office and leaned your body over to try and read the label that was taped on top.

"It's just notebooks and sticky notes. Did you really have to come to work with me today?" Jihyo eyed you suspiciously as she pulled out a notepad and a few sticky notes before putting the box beside her desk.

"You know I did, Ji. My boss said I can't come in until the paperwork is processed for me to start in the new department and I won't be getting it until tomorrow." You smiled smugly and tore off a sticky note. You grabbed a pen and started mindlessly doodling on the yellow note.

Jihyo just groaned and opened her laptop. In reality, you definitely could have just stayed at home. You had a few things you needed to do anyway but you hadn't visited Jihyo at work in a while so you decided to bother her for a bit instead. As you were about to ask another random question, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Jihyo didn't look up from her laptop as she spoke. She was in the middle of typing out an email response and it seemed to be more important than whoever was at the door.

You stopped your doodling to look up and were met with the most beautiful woman you'd ever seen in your life. She only made it a few steps forward before she tripped over the rug in the center of the office. The few folders in her arms fell out and spread out on the floor, causing her to breathe out a heavy sigh. Still seemingly in her own world, Jihyo didn't notice.

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