4. Trip to America With Jeongyeon

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Planes weren't always fun but they're a little better now that Jeongyeon's with you. She's sitting beside you looking out of the window. You can't believe that she hasn't been to New York before. Although, you are glad that you get to experience it with her first. "What's your family like?" She said, still looking out the window. It was around 1 in the morning and almost everyone was asleep. "Well, they're really fun and loving." You smiled and described your small family to her. "We also have two dogs." She smiled and laughed softly, holding your hand. "They sound awesome, but-" She stopped and looked to the side, thinking of what to say. "but what if they don't like me?" You gasped, a little dramatically to lighten up the mood, and kissed her head softly. "I promise they will love you. Whenever I call them, they always ask about you first." Jeongyeon nodded and laid her head on your shoulder, closing her eyes.

When you landed in New York after about 14 hours and three meals on the plane, it was 11 in the morning. Jeongyeon was still asleep so you shook her lightly to wake her up. When she didn't wake up, you leaned down and kissed her softly. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open and she smiled lazily. "Good morning." She said and stretched her arms and her legs. You got up and got your bags and put your backpack on, ready to exit the plane. She walked behind you and held onto your backpack, afraid of losing you. Once you got off the plane, people immediately swarmed around you. You stopped and stood beside her, holding her hand. You were both used to people being around and all the cameras. As usual, you smiled for the photos while airport security rushed you along.

Your mom was waiting for you and held up a sign that said, Y/N & JEONGYEON, in bold. She was jumping up and down and your father was standing beside you. You groaned a little in embarrassment, but Jeongyeon just laughed and jogged towards them. She bowed respectfully and shook both of their hands before they pulled her into a hug. She was a little shocked at first but eventually returned the hug. "Mom, dad, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Yoo Jeongyeon." You wrapped your arm around her after hugging them and smiled. "It's nice to finally meet you, Jeongyeon." Your mom waved and hugged her again. "It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Y/L/N." Your father laughed and shook his head. "No need to be so formal. You can just call us Y/M/N and Y/F/N." Jeongyeon blushed slightly and looked down. "Ready to go?" Your mom asked and gave your bags to your dad to carry to the car. You nodded and walked with Jeongyeon, your fingers intertwined.

Your first day consisted of meeting the family and just settling in. Today, you were going to take Jeongyeon for some sight seeing. "Ready to go?" You called from the front door. "I'm coming!" She shouted and sprinted towards you. She was wearing ripped black jeans, a light blue sweater that was just a little big on her, and she had a camera around her neck. "I'm ready." You smiled and walked forward, kissing her softly. "You are absolutely adorable." She smacked your arm lightly and walked towards the door. "Aish."

When you got outside, it was chilly. Fall had just started and it was so beautiful out. The first place you stopped was Central Park. It wasn't too crowded today, but it was so beautiful out. There was one person though that ran up to you two and asked for her autograph. Confused, Jeongyeon looked up at you. Since English wasn't a language she understood, you translated it back to her in Korean. She nodded and smiled once you finished. "Thank you lots. Please love Twice." She spoke slowly and you could hear her accent. You smiled and took pictures of her and the fan.

A question that you often got was, "Do you ever get jealous or overwhelmed by your girlfriend's popularity?". You would always say no. Even though Jeongyeon was famous, she was still your lovable girlfriend. The fact that she was famous didn't really change anything. You loved seeing her so happy interacting with the fans and sometimes they even asked for you. "Y/N!" Jeongyeon shouted beside you and tugged on your shirtsleeve. "I'm sorry. I spaced out." She laughed and poked your cheek. "Hey. It's not funny." You blushed softly and wrapped your arms around her. "Can we go get some pizza?" You nodded and started walking. "Anything for my princess."

   You got to a pretty small pizza place on the corner near the park. When you got inside, memories flooded back. You used to come here all the time as a kid. You wondered if they still knew you after all these years. "Hey! It's Y/N!" A tall man walked back from behind the cash register and enveloped you in a giant hug. You laughed and hugged him back. "It's great to see you again Martin. Oh! This is my girlfriend Jeongyeon by the way." Jeongyeon shyly stepped from beside you and bowed to the taller man and shook his hand. "Who would have thought that you'd leave America and find yourself an absolutely beautiful woman? You better keep her." He laughed and patted your back. You thanked him and ordered pizza for yourselves and took a seat. "He thinks you're beautiful and we have his seal of approval." Jeongyeon blushed slightly and smiled. "Well, I'm happy your friend likes me. I'm not sure what he means by beautiful though." When you heard this, you looked over at her confused. "What do you mean? You're the most gorgeous girl on the whole entire planet, babe." You took her hand and kissed her palm gently, looking up at her. "I love you so much." She gave you a big heart and laughed softly.

   When your pizza arrived, you thanked Martin and Jeongyeon even thanked him in English. "Thank you for pizza." She smiled shyly and he nodded to her, walking back to the kitchen. "He's so nice." Jeongyeon took a bit of her pizza and smiled. "And this tastes super good." You nodded and got your camera out, taking a picture of her. "Two of my favorite things in one picture." She just rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out.

   You two spent the rest of the day walking around New York. It was around 10 at night and you walked back to Central Park. You could tell Jeongyeon liked it the way her eyes lit up when she saw the beauty of it. You laid down on the grass and put your hands behind your head. "I wish we could just stay like this forever." Jeongyeon looked over at you and nodded. "Teach me some English?" You rolled over on your side and smiled. "Okay. Try saying something." She thought for a while before rolling over and finally saying, "My favorite place to go New York is Central Park." You laughed softly before saying, "You're close. Don't forget to put 'in' before 'New York'." She nodded and tried again. "My favorite place to go in New York is Central Park." You gave her a high five and pulled her closer, kissing her softly. "I love you so much." She peppered kisses all over your face before laying her head on your chest. "I love you so much too."

Wow. Going to America with Jeongyeon would be amazing. Anyway though, I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Since school is starting soon I might not be able to update as often as I want to. I will try my best. As always, thank you so much for all your love and support!
(P.S. You're worth it!)

(Originally published: sometime in 2016) || Checked for grammar: December 2023)

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