5. Going to Chaeyoung's Haircut

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"But Y/N, what if I look ugly?" Chaeyoung frowned and looked over at you in the passenger seat, holding onto your hand tightly. "Chae. I promise you it won't look ugly. You always look good with any haircut you have." You smiled and laughed softly. "If it ends up as something you don't like then you can either cover it up or get it cut differently before you go." Squeezing her hand softly, you pulled into the parking lot of the hair salon. You turned the car off and pulled the keys out of the ignition. "Ready to go?" Chaeyoung shook her head and looked at you worriedly. You got out and went to her side of the car, opening her door. "I promise you'll be okay." You offered her a hand and helped her out of the car, opening the salon door for her.

"Will you still love me if I'm ugly, Y/N?" The cape was being put in front of the small girl and she swallowed hard, worried that the fans wouldn't like the way she was getting her hair cut. She looked at a few photos weeks ago with the other members and you, but she was still unsure about everything. You sat in one of the empty chairs beside her and watched, trying to comfort her in any way you could. "You'll be okay. Yubin's cut your hair so so so many times. She'll do great, babe. I promise." Chaeyoung gave you a sheepish smile before looking at her hair in the mirror one last time.

   As she was getting her hair cut, you kept her entertained by reading her articles from the news and singing along poorly to old American songs. "And I was like baby baby baby oooooh." She cringed a little and laughed. You took a deep breath and smiled. "Maybe you should do the singing." She nodded softly and held your hand. "Just a little bit babe." You kissed her hand and squeezed it once, knowing she was more than right. "Okay Ms. Son. You're all finished. Are you ready to see it?" Yubin put her scissors down and blew the hair off of her and the chair. When she set the hair drier back down, Chaeyoung nodded and closed her eyes. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

   Yubin spun the chair around slowly and gave your girlfriend a small hand mirror so she could also look at the back of her hair. She opened one eye and then the other. She immediately gasped. "What? What's wrong? Does it not look good?" You looked at her worriedly. "No I-it's just so beautiful. I didn't think it would look this good on me." She checked the back with the mirror and smiled widely. "You have a perfect head shape for this style of hair." Yubin smiled and made sure that every strand of hair was in place. You got your phone out and took a quick picture of her and then a selfie of you both. "You look absolutely beautiful babe. I'm not even kidding. I think JYP will like it a lot too. Should we FaceTime the girls and see what they think?" Chaeyoung nodded and laughed softly.

   You put yourself on FaceTime first, hoping to scare the girls a little. Jeongyeon picked up and you put on your best 'worried' face. "I think Chae's hair might have gone a little wrong." You struggled to hold in a laugh and coughed a little to cover it up. "Ya! Y/N, if her hair looks like someone cut it up with a lawn mower, you're so dead! I'm getting everyone else hold on." You waited and Chaeyoung laughed silently. "Ya! Y/N, what did you do to her? Huh? Did you tell her to get some weird haircut? Huh?" Jihyo came at you with a million questions and you almost broke character. "I-I wouldn't say it's weird, but it's not normal." You sat down in the chair beside Chaeyoung again and gave her a thumbs up. "Just let us see it! My jokbal is getting cold and Sana's ramen is almost ready." Momo started to get impatient and you could see Sana in the background, glancing at the stove every once in a while.  "Are you guys ready?" You looked up at Chaeyoung who was trying to get into character. "Yes, Y/N!" They all shouted in unison and you turned the phone camera around.

   Chaeyoung bust out into laughter when they all screamed and yelled. All that could be heard from the phone was "Ya!" and "Why did you do that to us?" from all of the members. "You almost made me cry, Y/N! I thought she really had a bad haircut!" Dahyun pouted and walked away from the phone, sitting down on the couch with her arms still crossed. "You really had me scared what the hell!" Jeongyeon laughed a little, still mad at you. "I'm sorry, guys. It was all my idea." You smiled and glanced over at Chaeyoung holding her stomach from laughing so much. "Pabo! Pabo! Pabo!" Mina finally spoke up from her spot in the kitchen and stormed off into her room. "I gotta go. I'll let you guys yell at me when I get back with this beautiful person." You smiled and said goodbye, hanging up the call.

   "Babe that was so funny. Their reactions were absolutely priceless." Chaeyoung smiled and laughed, leaning her head on your arm. "When Mina called you a pabo, I almost died." You smiled and looked down at her, laughing softly. "It was really funny." She sat up a little bit and had a suspicious look on her face. "What?" You questioned her, a little worried. "We could do this to JYP!" You laughed and shook your head. "Babe if we do this to your boss do you think he'll still let you have a career?" Chaeyoung nodded and looked at you. "We play pranks and joke around all the time with him. He's like our dad." You nodded in agreement and pulled up to the group's apartment. You helped her get out and started to ascend the steps.

   When you got into the building, you were met by four out of the seven twice members hitting you. "Ah ah ah! Wait! I'm sorry!" You laughed lightly and tried to get away from the girls who were now multiplying. "You can't say sorry now! It's too late, Y/N!" Tzuyu hit you in the shoulder a couple times and took a step back to give the others a chance. "Yeah. You tricked us and it wasn't nice at all!" Jihyo frowned and hit you again.

   "Wait. What if I told you we could pull this prank on JYP?"

   All of the girls immediately stopped and stood around you. "I'm listening." Mina came back out of nowhere and sat down on the couch. "It's Chaeyoung's idea, so listen to her." You laughed and stood behind her. "Well all we have to do is basically the same, but you guys have to go to him and start crying and say something like my hair's ruined." They all smirked at this plan and went downstairs together. You looked down at her and playfully rolled your eyes. "You're such a little dork." She smiled and kissed your cheek. "But I'm your dork, Y/N."

This was really fun to write and I hope you like it! Also I love Chaeyoung's hair so much. It looks so good on her :)
(P.S. You're worth it!)

(Originally published: June 29, 2017 || Checked for grammar: December 2023)

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