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Hey! Just a quick update/check in. It's been a few months since I started writing again and it's been amazing. I love being able to write stories for you all and I'm so glad that people still enjoy what I write. I think I've been a Wattpad user for close to 10 years now and I've been writing for almost 9. Within those 9 years a lot has changed but my love for writing hasn't really. I think the only thing it's done is grown. If you're someone who's stuck around since the beginning, thank you. If you're brand new, thank you too. It means a lot to me that you read my work even if it's not your favorite. I will try to keep writing for as long as I can and for as long as I have ideas. That being said if you have any ideas, (that aren't smut) throw them at me. I love writing what you guys want to read. I love being able to try my hand at making people's story prompts come to life!

A few months ago, I started working on a short story. Now that I started my senior year in college today, my time to write will be a lot shorter than usual. I'm still going to try to upload at least once a week but I can't make any promises. I hope that with this new story that I will be putting out soon that you all will still be able to enjoy my work and enjoy reading. It's only about 5 chapters but they're fairly long compared to some of the one shot chapters so I'll be uploading chapters for it much more spaced out. I really look forward to the new story and hope you do as well. Also, I hope you like Fire & Silk so far. It's been a lot of fun to write and it has been one of my favorite works that I've ever written so far.

I think I've written enough so I'll be on my way. Again, thank you all so much for your support. It keeps me going and wanting to write and it motivates me to write well. If you've already started school or you're in the process of going back, good luck and I know you'll do well. Study well, rest well, and eat well. I love ya and as usual...

Stay safe, happy, and healthy!

- krn

(P.S. There may or may not also be another surprise story I'm working on. Stay tuned ;) )

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